Part 1 of what happened that day

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With bags full of tissue rolls, Se Chan and Kwang Soo rang Jong Kook's doorbell.Jong Kook laughs and opens the door for them.

"You guys didn't have too get that much for me".

"Don't say that, Hyung; we have the right to do so, and this is your first ever apartment."

"It's a housewarming gift!"

Jong Kook laughs and says...
"So, why are you standing in the doorway? Come on in."

They take their shoes off and head inside. They ordered Jahjangmyeon. A few minutes later, the food arrived. While they were eating, Kwang Soo inquired about how it felt to be living alone for the first time...

"How does it feel to be living on your own for the first time, Hyung?

"It's been fine since I moved out of my parents' house, but it can be lonely at times. However, I've decided that I want to find someone and marry this year. It's no longer possible to be single and lonely. I've realised that I want a family and that my parents should be able to see their grandchildren."

"Finally, you're ready to settle down and start a family."
"Imagine Hyung with kids!" he says to Kwang Soo.

Kwang soo laughs and says "I can't wait for that day to come".

They poured each other drinks and began to play karaoke. They had a blast throughout the evening. Se Chan's phone rang, and it was Jeon So Min who was calling. He picks up...


Shouts and says "Annyeoooooooong Jeon So Min!"

"What's up with you? You seem to be having a good time.In any case, where are you?"

"Right now, I'm at Jong Kook Hyung's house with Kwang Soo, and we're just having a little housewarming party."

"That sounds like a lot of fun. So, why haven't you told me about Jiyho Unnie? We would have come, regardless of the fact that you guys didn't tell us. I'm currently with Eonni. Put us on the speaker."

Se chan tells the guys to stop.
"Hyung wait, Jiyho Eonni and So Mina are on speaker I think Unnie wants to say something".

Kwang so stops and drops down to the ground due to being out of breath from dancing like an maniac and listens to what they have to say. Jong kook is on the coach rolling around from the bellyache he had from laughing to much.

*call on speaker*

"Ya kwang soo why didn't you pick up my calls!"
Kwang soo to out of breath from dancing that he can't say a word.
"Well anyways I have a plan.  Since Jong kook oppa moved into his new place why don't we go out and celebrate. Kwang soo remember that club called Horizon."

"I remember that club".

"Well then meet us their in an hour okay, Jal ga."
Ends the call.

"I'm not going, I'm to old for that kind of stuff!"

"Hyung come on let's go it would be fun, it's a great club!"

"Hyungggg, let's go!
Just this once's please please".


Kwang soo and Se chan started a chant saying...

"Let's go!
Let's go!
Let's go!
Let's go!".

"I'm not going. I'm too old for this kind of stuff. You guys go and have fun".

"No, we can't go without you. It's not fun if your not there".

"Yh common, it's going to be soo fun. And imagine you meet up with your future wife".

5 minutes go by of them half drunk convincing and begging him to go with them.

"Okay, I'll go only on one condition. You guys shut up and get ready because we're going clubbing".

They scream out of joy. Whilst the guys are getting ready, Mina begins to get ready and heads over to Jiyho's place so that they can leave together.

To be continued...

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