Part 6

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"I'll open the door So Min".
Kim Jong kook says whilst her walks towards the door. So Mina walks over to the kitchen.

JSM thoughts;
Was oppa about to say something, I really want to know what he wanted to say.

Kim Jong kook opens the door for Se Chan. Se Chan looks surprised by seeing Kim Jong kook.

Se Chan:
"Oh Hyung, what a surprise I can't believe that you here."

Se chan steps in and takes his shoes off, Kim Jong kook closes the door and says,
"I can't believe that I'm here too".

Se Chan:
"Hyung, did you say something?"

"Oh I just said can't wait to have a few drinks with your guys it's going to be a blast".

The guys head over to the living room and sit down, so mina calls out Se chan for being late whilst trying to whip up something in the kitchen.

"She chan, what took you so long to come over and why didn't you tell kwang soo to come over!"

Se chan:
" Oh I was stuck in traffic I'll message hyung now to come over I'm sure he'll come straight away, Hyung why don't you help so mina out in the kitchen while I set up the living room?"

"Are you sure I can help you she looks like she fine over the."

She Chan:
"No it's fine Hyung, I can do it on my own, I got some muscles too you know Hyung".

Kim Jong kook laughs and heads over to the kitchen saying...
"Okay if you say so"
He heads over to the kitchen.

"So Mina do you need any help with anything?"

So Mina turns around looking like a mess with flour all over.

"Yes Oppa, I need some help"...

Kim Jong kook can't hold his laugh back in and burst into laughter.

"Oppa it's not funny!!".

"Sorry but I just can't help it, how did you get flour  all over yourself, your so clumsy."

Walks over to her and wipes the flour off her nose. She stares at him while he wipes the flour off her nose. She smells something burning realising the potato pancake that she put on the pan is burning.

"Oppa, flip that pancake over it's about to burn!"

He flips over the potato pancake, she goes to get him a apron.

"So Mina why don't you just order food instead of going through this stress?".

She goes and gets him an apron whilst going she says...

"Oppa it's your first time being here, I wanted to cook, oppa turn around"...

He turns around and faces her. She puts the apron over his head, he stairs at her while she does it...

"Oppa turn around now".

He turns around, she ties up the apron up while he adds a spoon of the potato batter on the pan.

"Oppa, I boiled some rice why don't you make some of your famous tuna rice if your don't mind?"

"Yh I can do that if you want".

"I'll get a start on that it's over the and I'll make some more potato pancakes and I'll makes some ramyeon."

So min puts water on a boil and adds in the ramyeon whilst she finishes off the potato pancakes. She looks over at Kim Jong kook and laughs.

"Why you laughing".

"It's nothing oppa, it's just you look so funny in that apron."

"Well your the one who put me in it".

"Oppa but I can't help it, you look like an Ajumma". (auntie)
She burst into laughter

"Don't call me that or I'll"...

"You'll do what Ajumma".

Kim Jong kook grabs her by her arm, pulling her in close and rubs flour on her cheeks, with his hand holding her arms backs from reaching flour. She leans in and rubs her cheek against his and she smirks after getting his back.
With his thumb he rubs flour onto the corner of her lip, she blushes and leans in and rubs its on the corner of his lip.

For a moment they forgot about everything around them and stared at each other, her hand reached his face and rubbed the flour off his cheek. Without realising his hands drifted to her waist, she leans in closer and and begins to kiss him. Rapping her arms around his neck.

Kjk thoughts;
My brain is lit on fire as she kisses me and the warmth spreads across my whole body. After that, I learned that I was addicted. It was this kiss that made me realise she was the half that made me whole.

JSM thoughts;
His lips are soft and he must have been chewing gum with the taste of mint. His hands were wrapped around my waist, and mine were locked around my neck, slightly pulling him down.

Se chan walks towards the kitchen and says...
"So Mina, where did you put the drinks and I called Kwang soo his on his way".

Both of them separate and run to both ends of the kitchen acting like nothing happened.

"The drinks are in the fridge and we're nearly done cooking!"
Says out of breath from the kiss.

"Yh were nearly done how about I help you out setting up the table Se chan and So Mina can finish off the rest, is that ok so Mina?!"

"Yh that's ok I'll get everything done here".

Kim Jong kook takes the drinks with Se chan and helps him set up the table, while So Mina finishes preparing food.

JSM thoughts;
That was so close!
Why did I lean in for a kiss what's happening to me, I can't believe that I just did that I'm going to make him get mix's emotions again, I need to get a hold of myself.

She finishes cooking the ramyeon and takes plates out and chopsticks.

"Take the plates and the chopsticks from the the kitchen table".

The doorbell rings, she goes over to open the door.

"Kwang soo Oppa your finally here, Jiyho Eonni your here too."

She pushes Kwang soo out of the way they both begin to hug each other.

"I haven't been to your house in so long, hope you don't mind that I tagged along."

"Eonni don't be silly you can come to my house whenever you want I should have called you up and told you to come over. Come in Eonni"...

To be continued...

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