Part 3

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"So Mina talk to me, why do you keep on avoiding me, did I do something wrong!?".

With his hands holding her up against the door.
She stands the avoiding his eyes and doesn't speak.

"I'm sorry So Mina if I hurt you, I want to know if we're ok?!".

"Oppa forget about it, let me go. What happen last night was a mistake and nothing else. You didn't do nothing!".

She says while she avoids his eyes. Her heart begins to beat faster and faster. She waits for him to let her go.

"Then why do you keep avoiding my eyes?"...
he lift his hand up and puts it on the side of her chin. Turns her face towards him.
"Look at me!"

She looks down even though her face is towards him.
"Why does it matter if I don't look at you Oppa?!".

He leans in and forces her to look into his eyes.

"Because I don't like it when you avoid my gaze"...

She blushes and carries on being silent. He put his head against hers and says...

"I just want everything to go back to normal, nothing else. Promise me that you
Going stop avoiding me then I'm going to
Let you go!".

"Ok I promise you now let me go!".

He lets her go. She grabs the water bottles and quickly dashes out the door to the others.
So Mina rushes into the break room with the bottles puts the water bottles on the table and sit down whilst out of breath.

So Mina what took you so long to come and why you out of breath?".

"Oh Eonni , I ahh umm...
I went to the toilet quickly!"...

"You should have told me to gone get the water bottle so you could have gone to the toilet".

JSM thoughts;
If I'd knew it was Jong kook Oppa giving me the water bottles then I would have sent you for sure.
But why did he say that. Why did he say that he doesn't like it when I avoid him. Why's is he making me feel like this.

She looks down at her hands and they can't stop shaking. Jong kook walks in, puts the water bottles down. He sits nexts to her because all the seats were taken up but the other members.

The PD starts the shoot as break time is over.

"Right everyone let's start the shoot".

So Mina gets surprised and looks up without realising who sat next to her.

The PD explain what's the next task there going to complete.

"Th next task your going to do is with your partner. And your partner is going to the person beside you.
You have to hold your partners hand till the game is over if you let go your going to get out. But we will put tag teams to break you apart. They'll be in yellow. And if you let go hands you'll get penalty next episode."

So Mina doesn't notice who's next to her, thinking it's Jiyho,
she puts her hands out and says...

"Eonni ere so lucky we're partners"

Jong kook puts his hands on to hers. She looks at the hand realising it's not Jiyho's hand. She looks to the side of her...

"I'm not Jiyho So Mina"....

So Mina eyes widen out of shock.
JSM thoughts;
What should I do now, this is going to be so awkward I need to change my partner!!

She goes up to he PD and begs to change partners.

"Please just let me change this once I beg you please"
She makes up an excuse saying
"Jong kook nags to much I want to be partners with Jiyho Eonni I haven't been partners with her in so long"...

"What's wrong with being partners with me I don't nag that much".

Kjk thoughts;
Why she still avoiding me!?

The other members join in

"It's true you do nag a lot"
Says laughingly

The PD smiles at her and says...
"No your to late"
She gets up and begs more and stomps her feet on the ground...
Her hands were on her sides. Jong kook grabs her hand and holds it.

"Well I don't want to change partners"

So Mina looks at him in surprise and blushes.

Everyone stares and says
"Looks like someone has a crush on So Mina!!"

Kwang soo:
"Do I hear wedding bells."
He says laughingly

Everyone begins to hold the partners hands

"Game start now"

"Now you can't go back So Mina, and I'm not the type to lose."

So Mina twisted her hands

"Oppa please just this once, let's lose I'll take your penalty for you please!!."

The others start heading out to hide from the tag teams. So Mina tries to pull her hands out of his but he doesn't let go. He begins to drag her to a hiding spot.

"So Mina stop being like this it's just a game, after this you won't have to talk to me again."

So Mina stops trying to let go of his hand.

JSM thoughts;
It's just one game, you can do it So Mina!

The start running and looking around for a hiding spot. They notice a yellow tag team. They look around for a hiding spot. So Mina notice a storage room.

"Oppa look theirs a room the. Let's go hide the."

The run over to the storage room. The camera man follows them but couldn't get inside. They lock the door and realise the on the own.

The start running and looking around for a hiding spot. They notice a yellow tag team. They look around for a hiding spot. So Mina notice a storage room.

"Oppa look theirs a room the. Let's go hide the."

The run over to the storage room. The camera man follows them but couldn't get inside. They lock the door and realise the on the own.

They sit on the ground together. But they don't let each others hand together. They both breath heavily.

"That was a close one."

So Mina stares at them holding hands.
She goes deep into her thoughts.

JSM thoughts;
Why is it when I hold you hand that I know I'm safe. The warmth and the softness of your hands somewhat comforts me.

She turns over his hand and sees the top part of his hand. She was shocked.

"Oppa how did this happen!?."

"It's nothing it's just a little scratch".

"No it's not!."

She get worried and begins to rips a bit of her shirt off. She get her other hand and tries to bandage it up. Jong kook eyes watches her.

Kjk thoughts;
Why does she care for me now...
"So Mina don't act like you care for me!"

So Mina gets furious and says

"Oppa I'm not acting I do care for you".
She tears up out of anger...

To be continued...

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