Part 5

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"The second runner up is Kim Jong Kook and Jeon so min"

So Min and Jong kook run up out of the happiness of coming second and hug each other.

JSM: "We won, we won"!!!

Kjk: "we won, we won"!!

The team members stares at them in shock...

"Hyung, are sure you guys aren't dating because you look like you gotten really close"...
Says out of surprise.

As soon as they realised everyone staring at them, they push each other away from each other. Kim Jong kook scratches is head and says...

"No we just hugged out of the happiness of winning"...!

"Yhh... Oppa were just happy about winning"!...
She blushes and gets her hand, sweeping her hair behind her ear.

They go and stand on the side quietly for the PD to say who came first in the game.

"The first runner up is Se chan and Jiyho. Suk Jin and Jea suk be ready for next episodes penalty".

They scream out of happiness and join the others. They start laughing at suk Jin and Jea suk.

They all start preparing to leave and go the own way. So min messages se chan, to come over for drinks.
She gets ready and walks toward her manager car, but before she leaves she decided to say bye to Kim Jong kook. She walks towards his car and knocks on the car window. The window slide down.

"So Mina, what you doing!?
Come in, it's cold outside"!

"It's fine Oppa I just wanted to say bye to you and it was really fun working with you"...

She smiles at him as he does the same back.

"So Mina get in car I'll drop you off home. I'll tell your manager ok".
Kim Jong kook insists that he'll drop her off home.

"Oppa it's fine I'll go home with my my manager and you have things to do and I don't want to be a burden ok Oppa I'll go now."

"So Mina don't be silly, look you manager is over the I'll just tell him.
Hyung I'll take So Mina home you have have the night off..!?"

So min's manager:
"Oh... okay I'll see you tomorrow So Mina".
He says quietly,
"when did they become so close".

Kim Jong kook opens his door and grabs So Mina by the hand forces her into the car.

"Oppa, I can go home on my own your manager is going to get tired."

"It's fine my manager will be fine, won't you be fine."

Kjk manager:
"It's not a problem your house is on the same way towards his house anyways."

"See so Mina it's fine we can drop you off".

"Ok Oppa".
It's not like I have a choice you sent away my manager anyways.

The manager sets off and so Mina puts her seatbelt on and sits the quietly.

She looks out the window and sees it behinds to rain. She points out the window and and grabs Jong kooks arm and squeezes it.

"Oppa look it's beginning to rain."
Out of excitement

Jong kook moves towards her window to see the rain and she turns towards him. Face to face. They stare at each other other. So Mina blushes and looks at the seat in front of her. Kim Jong kook smiles and faces the seat in front of him. They sit the silently through the drive.

So Mina turns towards the window and falls deep into her thoughts...
JSM thoughts;
I sit the looking out the car window, the windows are struck by gently splashing water droplets as we drive onwards. A cloak of grey clouds is overhanging the skies, so much so that I can hardly tell the difference between the sky and the clouds. The rain usually calms me, I watch raindrops race down on to the cars. But I would rather be out in those puddles than trapped in this car.

"So Mina, we're here".
So Mina looks at Kim Jong kook.

"Oh sorry, I got lost in my thoughts thank you Oppa for dropping off."

Kim Kong kook gets out out of the car and opens the door for her.

"Oppa you didn't need to do that thank you though."
She gets out the car and says thank you again.

"Thank you Oppa."
He walks her towards her flat.

"So Mina I'll just drop you to your flat door ok."

"You don't have to Oppa it's fine."
He stills walks her to her flat.

"Oppa do you wanna come up for a drink I told Se chan to come over to have a drink you can come to if you want you don't have to come if you don't want to."

"I don't mind, let me just go tell my manager to go home without me".
He goes and tells his manager.
I'm going to stay for a few hours in her place to have some drinks with the other members you can go without me I'll get a cab.

"When did you become so close with So Mina usually you guys always fight"?!

He laughs
"I don't know when but I like it".

His manager laughs and says,
"You sound like your falling for her".

Kim Jong kook says under his breath
"Maybe I am".
Whilst looking at her...

"What did you say"?!

"Nothing, I'll see you later okay bye".
He runs towards So Mina and his manager drives off.

"So Mina lets go".

JSM thoughts;
His actually coming, this is his first time ever coming over but still what did I get my self into!!

They walk towards the lift, So Min presses the lift button. Standing the in silent.

Kjk thoughts;
I'm actually going to her place, this is my first time.

"Oppa, isn't this your first time coming over to my place?"

The lift door opens and they walk in together.

"Yh this is my first time coming to you place".

So Mina presses the button for her floor and the lift doors closes.

The silently going up to her floor. The lift doors open and the walk over to her flat door. She gets her keys out and opens the door, walks in. He follows after her.

"Oppa, make yourself comfortable ok I'll just get change and prepare us a meal".

She rushes over to her room to change into something comfortable.

JSM thoughts;
I should wear something cute but not to much right. Why am I thinking about what to wear it's just Se chan and Jong kook oppa.

She wears her outfit and walks toward the mirror and applies some lipstick. She walks out her room to the kitchen.

"Oppa are you okay?"
Kim Jong kook looks at her.

Kjk thoughts:
She's looks pretty, is she wearing lipstick...

"So Mina, you look"...

"Yes oopa"...
The door bell buzzes

Se chan:
"So Mina it's me"!

To be continued....

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