Part 4

255 10 16

These are the partners for this task:
Haha &  Lee Kwang soo
Se chan & Jiyho
Suk Jin & jea suk
So Min & Jong kook
While she is wrapping the bandage around his hand he watches her tearing up out of anger. He lift his other hand up and wipes her tears.

I didn't mean it...

She doesn't say anything after she bandages his hand she sits the beside him without saying a word. Keeping to herself.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean it...
it just before you was acting as if you didn't care about me. When you avoided me...
It just really hurt me made me feel as if you didn't care about me"...

She sits the listening to what he says in silent. She somewhat gets emotional. She reaches over to his hand and holds it.

"I do care about you I'm just scared"...

Jong kook gets surprised when she hold his hand.

JSM thoughts;
Why do I feel like we passed the line of just colleges. I don't feel like we're friends anymore. I don't know what to call this bond of ours anymore...

"Scared of what so Mina"...

"I just don't know how to explain it to you I'm still trying to learn how I feel about us and what happen.
Just know one thing Oppa I can never be angry with you"...

Kjk thoughts;
I can't hold myself back...

He reached his arms over and hugs her. So Mina eyes widen out of shock. She doesn't say anything.

So Mina let's just stay like this for bit...

JSM thoughts;
When he wrapped his arms around me. I didn't even hesitate to pull away from him. His embrace was so warm,
and his big, strong arms seemed very protective when wrapped around my frail body. The world around me melted away as I gently squeezed him back,
Knowing that I don't want this moment to ever end.

The hug was a simple gesture of affection, perhaps the fragile beginnings of love.
The arms that held him were soft, yet strong. The feel of her body so close to his soothed him more than he had expected. But within seconds she pulled away...

"Oppa, common we need to catch up with the game now okay?..."

"Oh Yh, let's go".


He gets up, so Mina gets up to. He holds her hand without telling before hand and they leave the room silently,
before the staff members see them.
They open the door and run down the the whole way.

So Mina looks down at the hands whilst the leave the room silently and looks back up at him surprised.

"Why you look so surprised"...
He grins at her.

"Oh nothing"...
She blushes

The camera man catches up with them. So Mina holding on to his hand tightly while the run.
But they run into a tag team of 3 with water guns. They start to come up with plans on how to separate them.

Jong kook comes up with an idea on how to not let them pull them apart. He tell her the idea.

"So Mina this might feel awkward for a moment but it's a great idea".

He wrapped his left arm around her head pushing her head into his chest. Putting the hands in the middle of them so the tag team can't pull them apart.

"So Mina, whatever happens don't let go of my hand okay!."

So Mina puts her right arm around his waist gripping on tightly.

"I won't let go!".

The tag team begin to spray them with water. Then they try to pull Kim Jong kook away from her but he hold on to her tightly as she does to.
They walk sideways towards the main floor whilst being blasted with water.

"So Mina! We're nearly there don't let go!".


They both shout out loud whilst being blasted by the water guns. The camera man filming on the side says...

"The buzzer going buzz in 2 minutes hold on for just 2 minutes and you guys will win mission!".

The tag team gets tired and run off to get another couple members out.
Jong kook, So Mina stand the with the shivers. So Mina says whilst shivering.

"Oppa their gone"...

The buzzer goes off...
Jong kook takes his arm off her head and she lets go of his waist, but they don't let go of each other's hands. Still holding on tightly. The staff members rushes over with towels. The staff members begins to dry and wrap them up with the towels whilst laughing.

So Mina and Jong kook gets confused of why the staff members laughing.

"Why you guys laughing?!"...
They both say.

One of the staff members shows them why. She pulls the hands up and shows them that they're still holding each other's hand. They both start to blush and laugh and instantly let go of each other's hand.

"I got do court up in the game I didn't realise".
He rubs So Mina head and tells her.
"We did great".

So Mina smiles back and says
"I'll see you later in the main whole to see who won".


There staff members escorts them both over to the changing rooms to get a change of clothes and meet the other members. The head over to the main studio to find out who's the winners. So Mina runs over and joins Jiyho.

"Your hairs wet...
She wraps her arms around her to keep warm together.
"Did the tag team wet you guys".

"Yh Unnie, the we're so horrible but me and Oppa never let go of our hands once thankfully".

Kim Jong kook goes and joins the guys.

"Jea suk hyung, did you get wet. They blasted us with water!".

Jea suk:
"They hit us with Nerf guns. We kept on running for our lives".

They all start chatting about what happen to them. So Minna meets eyes with Jong kook, she smiles at him and he smile back at her.

The PD calls them to catch their attention.

"All of you guys did your best in this mission but only three of you pair's won this mission and the rest of you guys will get penalty"...

He reaches for the cards to read out the 3 winners...

"The third runner up is"

Everyone's anxious to know who won.

"The third runner up is Haha & Lee Kwang soo".

Kwang soo and haha scream in joy that they came third place. They hug each other and begin to fake cry. Doing their same old shenanigans.
They stand aside from the other members. The PD interrupt their joy to announce the second runner up

"The second runner up is"...

To be continued...

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