We Meet Again

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I unpack my clothes, looking at the sets of lingerie I brought with me. I put on a sapphire blue laced set and untie my hair. I look at the clock as it strikes 3 in the morning. It's late. The door opens, someone walks in and locks the door behind them. As he said before, He is back. "Wow, you were hiding that body under those baggy clothes all along." I glare at him as he move closer, standing behind me. He slides his hands around my waist, lifting my head to the side, close enough for our lips to touch with any slight movement. 

"Why are you in here?" I ask calmly. He doesn't answer but continues to stare at me and lets go of my jaw. I turn around to face him, he seems different from before. His knuckles are bruised and has a cut across his lip. His shoulder looks hurt. I trace my finger along his lip, examining the cut and the bruises around it. He winces slightly and tries to pull my hands away from his face. I push his hands back to my waist as I place my hands on his chest. He seems lost, tired, I start to unbutton his shirt, carefully avoiding his hurt shoulder. He stares at me but I continue to undo his shirt and take it off. I take his hand and lead him to the bed. He takes off his shoes and pants and gets into the bed. 

I sit on the bed next to him and play with his hair as he falls asleep. I get up and start to walk away but he grabs my hand. I lay next to him in the bed as his breathing slowed. He says something before falling almost instantly asleep. "You have the darkness." I listen carefully to his sleep talking words and decide to go to sleep as well. 

*New perspective of the man*

"You're a disgrace to this kingdom and to this family name!"

The anger builds up inside me as I listen to my brother shout at me. He punches me in the face, piercing my lip and making it bleed. He leaves in a hurry and I'm left alone in the darkness if my room. I feel restless, I go out on my balcony and stare at the starry night. I catch a glimpse of one of the rooms thats light is still on. It's late, who would be up at this time? I watch as the pale skinned, brown haired woman look out the window. Her sapphire blue eyes glisten in the natural moonlight. Adira.

The light enhances her natural beauty that I didn't realise before. Her resting face is peaceful but in thought, She has a darkness in her that devours her like the night. The slow encasing pain that will one day overtake her soul and leave her emotionless. Her blush covered face seems innocent but her long, dark eyelashes are enticing. Her body is seductive, her thicker, curvier body that is accentuated in the lingerie she wears. She doesn't realise how enchanting she looks, its effortless.

I feel attracted to her presence, the curiosity that burns inside of me grows. I trace my fingers down the hallway and reach the door with the blue star. I open it slowly, closing it behind me, locking it just in case. She realises I'm here but doesn't react, she truly is intriguing. I feel entranced by her beauty, it forces me to touch her and her seductive body. she turns and touched my lip, her touch is cold but calming. It is gentle and nurturting like the touch of a mothers. She starts to unbutton my shirt, I feel confused, she said she didn't feel anything towards me so what is she doing. 

She leads me to the bed and tells me to take off my shoes and pants. She tucks me into her bed and sits next to me. She caresses my face and plays with my hair, it makes me feel sleepy.

I wake up and turn to see no one next to me. I jump up from the bed and look at the folded clothes that I had taken off last night. I hurry to put my clothes on and rundown the stairs to the kitchen. "Marie!" I shout across the kitchen. A small blonde girl with a petite frame runs to my side in a rush. "Yes my king?" she asks nervously. "Where is Adira?" I growl. "She's in the garden collecting fruits sire." I nod and rush to the outside doors. 

I run outside into the beaming sunlight. The breeze is chilly but the suns warmth counteracts the cold. I survey the garden and catch my eye on her. She looks so elegant and beautiful. Her servants outfit fits perfectly on her curves and is a little to short for her so when she bends down you can see her underwear. Her hair is in Lucious locks and she is collecting lemons in her wicker basket. I stare as she starts to return towards the castle. She looks up at me and realises I have been watching the entire time. She drops the lemons and I go to pick them up. 

"Good morning sire." She says happily. "Did you need something?" She asks calmly. I stare at her in shock, wondering if she forgot about yesterday. "Why weren't you in the bed this morning?" I ask angrily. She seems surprised and confused. "I had pick the fruits this morning for the chefs." I feel foolish and dumb for asking such question. "Next time you shall not leave before I do." She lifts her eyebrows and shakes her head in disapproval. 

"There will be no next time sire. I must deliver these lemons so if that is all I will excuse myself." I grab her wrist in a hurry and she seems startled. "What did you do to me?" I ask. "Im not sure what you mean sire." She says innocently. "You drugged me." She shakes her head furiously. "I would never. Just because I don't want to sleep with you all of a sudden doesn't mean I've drugged you!" She yells passionately. I caress her cheek with my hand and trace her smooth skin. "You intrigue me Adira. " I watch as she furrows her brows in confusion. She looks up and stares into my eyes, her glare is deadly.

Her empty brown eyes examine my expressions, her hand lifting mine away from her face. Just like last night they are cold as a winters breeze. Her touch is soft yet determined, her eyes stay calm and steady. "Sire if that is all I must deliver these lemons to the chef." Her voice is enchanting, like a spell. I study her as she drifts elegantly back into the castle, turning around once before going through the doors. She smirks slightly and disappears, leaving me alone in the garden. She will be mine.

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