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"Hyunjin, do you... like Jeongin?" 

Hyunjin froze when he heard that question. He couldn't answer her truthfully, since he knew that he would spread it around social media. But at the same time, if he were to say yes, would it mean that ChaeRin would leave him alone? He was torn. His mind was trying to come up with all the possible out comes of each answer. 

"No, what makes you think that?" he scoffed. 

"But you..." ChaeRin seemed thrown off by his answer. She must've guessed his answer to be yes, making Hyunjin glad he said no. 

"Why would I still be going out with you if I liked someone else?" He laughed. "I would've dumped you by now if that was the case."

"Yeah... that makes sense." She murmured. Hyunjin tried to keep his composure and keep making his lies seem believable. 

Thankfully, before ChaeRin asked anymore questions, they were interrupted by a waiter and Hyunjin had the chance to change the topic. 

However, he couldn't shake off the thought of why ChaeRin asked him something like that. 

Jisung woke up in Minho's arms. Yesterday felt somewhat surreal; the guy he's had a crush on for ages had kissed him. However, that was what confused Jisung the most. Minho hated him so much because Jisung liked him. So why would he do something like that? Unless he was just playing around with Jisung's feelings, but Jisung hoped that wasn't true.

"Oh, you're awake?" Jisung looked up and saw Minho smiling at him, his eyes barely open. "Good morning." Jisung somehow felt more attracted to Minho after hearing his morning voice. Jisung smiled back, trying to clear his mind before he fell even harder for this man. 

Minho's house felt like Jisung's second home after he spent so much time here while his parents were away. He was comfortably eating breakfast, but suddenly Jisung felt himself wanting to ask Minho about yesterday. 

"Minho..." He said, as Minho came out of his room. 

"Yes?" He looked up.

"Why did you kiss me?" Jisung asked, bluntly. He didn't think it would do either of them any good if he were to beat around the bush. 

Minho laughed and pat Jisung's head.

"Because I like you, stupid." 

"What do you mean? Minho, I'm serious." Jisung wanted an actual answer. As happy as he could be that Minho likes him he couldn't just ignore how much he had to suffer because of Minho. No matter what, Jisung couldn't forget the many times Minho took his anger out on him... but Jisung let him. So was it Jisung's fault? 

"I am being serious." Minho said. 

"But-" Before Jisung could finish what he was going to say, Minho turned around and pressed his lips to Jisung's, shutting him up. Jisung froze at Minho's sudden action and once he pulled away, Jisung was speechless. 

"Jisung, I love you, ok?" He said, seriously staring into Jisung's eyes, making him fall for him. Jisung nodded. 

Damn it, how did Minho have the ability to pull Jisung like this? 

"Anyways, what are we going to do about Hyunjin and Jeongin?" 

"What?" Jisung was shocked at how Minho could change the topic so fast. 

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