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Chan couldn't sleep. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't fall asleep. He barely slept on most nights, due to his multiple jobs, but even on his nights off, he couldn't sleep. He didn't know why, but that's just how it is. It's always been this way ever since he ran away from his parents' house the day he declared he wanted to live and earn independently.  

But, one thing Chan did know, was that he was hungry. Very hungry.

Chan looked through the cupboards in the kitchen, only to find that they were basically empty. Sighing, Chan grabbed a coat and a pair of shoes, deciding to just go and buy something cheap from the convenience store, nearby. 

Chan already felt cold, as he stepped out of his apartment into the hallway. Shivering, he pressed the button for the elevator, and waited. 

And waited. 

'Why is it taking so long?' Chan thought, as he pressed the button multiple times. Chan was about to turn around and take the stairs, but then the elevator door opened. 

What Chan didn't expect was to Hyunjin and Jeongin in the elevator... making out, passionately, against the elevator wall. 

Chan's eyes, widened and his mind went blank. But suddenly, without even realising, tears began rolling down Chan's cheeks. Of course, this was bound to happen, Chan knew it from the beginning, but it hurt. The blow was more than he could take. For some reason, it felt as though Chan had lost something, but it was something he'd never actually had.

"Chan?" Hyunjin exclaimed, once he finally noticed Chan standing there. Chan quickly wiped the tears off his face with his sleeve and cleared his throat. Hyunjin tried to push Jeongin away from him, causing Jeongin to whine like a child and press himself closer to Hyunjin. Chan frowned as he realised that Jeongin could barely stand up alone, his eyes were half closed, and his cheeks were tinted pink. 

"Chan, I promise, its not what it looks like!" Hyunjin said, hurriedly. "I didn't- We- He's drunk!" 

Chan didn't need Hyunjin to point out the obvious. He walked into the elevator and took Jeongin off of Hyunjin, letting him rest on his shoulder. 

"It's fine." He muttered. "I'll take him from here." 

Chan left Hyunjin in the elevator, turning around and carrying Jeongin to his apartment. He helped Jeongin lay down, comfortably on his bed and took his shoes off for him. Chan sat down on the bed next to Jeongin and cried. He didn't know why or what for, but he cried hard, somehow comforting himself with his tears. 

Why did it have to be Jeongin? Why did Chan have to always love the wrong people?

Jeongin's head hurt a lot when he woke up, making him feel as though he couldn't even get his head off the pillow. However, he didn't need to sit up to realise where he was. How did he end up at Chan's place? Jeongin couldn't even remember the events of last night, let alone how he ended up here. 

"Oh, you're awake?" Chan said, rushing to Jeongin's side. It was a familiar sight. Jeongin smiled,  remembering the night he first met Chan.  "How do you feel?" 

As usual, Chan was always the one there for Jeongin. Always. 

"My head hurts, but I think I'm fine." Jeongin said, not wanting to worry Chan too much. "What happened?" 

"You're gonna have to ask someone else about that, Jeongin." Chan sighed. "I'm as clueless as you are." 

"What? Then how did I end up here?" 

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