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Instinctively, the two boys jumped apart, shocked to see ChaeRin. She was standing there, looking furious, her eyes wide. 

"ChaeRin..." Hyunjin clearly had nothing to say, knowing that it was him who was in the wrong here.

Jeongin was curious as to how much did she see, but it was quite obvious from her reaction that she had seen everything, making Jeongin bite his lip, nervously. 

ChaeRin ignored Hyunjin and marched over to Jeongin, slapping him across the face, very hard. 

"ChaeRin!" Hyunjin yelled, grabbing hold of her wrist before she hit Jeongin a second time. "What are you doing?" 

"I told you!" She screamed, frantically. "I knew he was trying to take you away from me!" 

"This isn't his fault!" He said, loudly to be heard over ChaeRin's screaming. "It's mine." He said, quieter, looking down.

Jeongin stayed silent, feeling as if he were intruding on a moment that should've been between Hyunjin and ChaeRin, alone. 

"How could you do this to me?" She cried. 

"ChaeRin," Hyunjin took a deep breath. "I never liked you." He admitted keeping his gaze fixated on the floor. "I had always liked Jeongin and I... I only dated you to get you away from him. 

Jeongin knew that Hyunjin was telling the truth, but he couldn't help but think that he was being a bit harsh. ChaeRin's anger slowly turned to sadness and her eyes became filled with tears that rolled ever so elegantly down her face.

"So, you never really cared about me?" She sniffed. "It was just a game to you?" Jeongin looked to Hyunjin, who was clearly feeling guilty for his actions. 

ChaeRin scoffed at Hyunjin's silence and glared at Jeongin, before walking away. Once she left, Hyunjin sighed, deeply, hiding his face in his hands.  Jeongin had no idea how to comfort Hyunjin; he was never really good with words. So, he just pat Hyunjin on the back, comfortingly, letting him know that he did the right thing.  

They went to join their friends, both of them feeling down. Immediately as they sat down, Minho noticed something was up and asked. 

"Did something happen?" 

"I broke up with ChaeRin." Hyunjin muttered.

"Really?" Minho seemed glad. "Good. It's better than leading her on." He pat Hyunjin on the back. 

"I feel bad." Hyunjin sighed. Jeongin could understand. Although ChaeRin was annoying and clingy, she still had feelings and was probably hurting right now. 

Jeongin could just hope, now, that she'd get over it. 

ChaeRin wouldn't get over this. She was absolutely furious. How could Hyunjin have done that to her? For a guy, as well. She couldn't believe it. What did Jeongin have that she didn't? After all the sadness, ChaeRin was only left with anger. 

She couldn't stop thinking about it on her way home. How could she get Hyunjin back? Until she remembered something. 

ChaeRin quickly  fished her phone out of her bag and checked to see if she still had the pictures of Jeongin and that guy she took a while ago at the café. She smiled to herself, a plan forming in her head. 

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