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Jisung woke up with a horrible headache. He groaned and sat up. He looked around and was even more confused. Where the hell was he? Why couldn't he remember anything? He suddenly felt queasy.

"Don't be sick on my floor."

Jisung looked up and saw Minho standing at the door, shirtless with a towel wrapped aorund his waist. Jisung blushed furiously and Minho noticed.

"Ugh, don't be so gay."

"Sorry." Jisung mumbled. "H-how did I end up here?" he stammered, as Minho walked further into the room and to his wardrobe.

"You don't remember what we did last night?" Minho asked, suddenly bashful.

"L-l-last night?" Jisung repeated.

"Oh right, we were both drunk." Minho clarified. "It's ok, you weren't my first anyways."

Jisung felt queasy again. He noticed that he wasn't in his own clothes. He was wearing Minho's clothes.

"Minho... stop playing around." Jisung murmured.

"You think I'm lying to you?" Minho asked, offended. "Fine, if you don't believe me look at this," he pointed to his collar bone. There was a dark purple mark.

"Did... did I..." 

"Yes you did." Minho replied, simply. Jisung covered is face with the duvet. How could he have let himself get drunk like that? Did he really have such little self control?

"I'm sorry." he muttered.

Minho chuckled.

"Hurry up and come eat something."

Jisung got out of the bed, doing as he was told and went to freshen up in the bathroom. He was surprised when he saw Minho waiting for him, the table set for two.

Suddenly, Jisung felt old emotions resurface. Where was the Minho that hated him? The one who bullied him endlessly? He awkwardly ate in silence.

"Thanks for letting me stay." Jisung tried smiling, "I won't bother you anymore."

"Your choice." Minho said, bluntly.

Chan dropped Jeongin off to his house early in the morning and Jeongin prayed that his mother was still asleep so that he could sneak into his room and pretend to sleep.

He slowly opened the front door. Ok, no one was there. He tiptoed into the house. He was about to go up the stairs unnoticed. But no.

"Jeongin?" he turned around and saw his mother standing there, eyes wide.

"Yes mum?"

"Where on earth have you been?" She asked, putting her hands on her hips.

"I... stayed over at Jisung's house!" He said, hoping the mention of Jisung would distract her. She raised her eyebrows.

"Why didn't you text me?"

"I forgot?"

"Fine." Jeongin exhaled, glad that she bought his lame excuse. "Go upstairs and shower, you smelly boy."

Jeongin ran upstairs and checked his phone. Damn, 13 miscalls and 38 messages from Felix. he sighed and dialled his friend's number.

"Where the heck did you two disappear to? Do you know how much I looked for you?" Felix began scolding the minute he answered the phone.

"I'm sorry, lix." Jeongin apologised sheepishly. "We left a little earlier because..." Jeongin fell silent.

"I don't care why you left! I'm more annoyed because you guys didn't let me know!"

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