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"I like you." 

"But-" Jeongin stopped, realising what Chan had just said. He looked at Chan, hoping to see him laughing, for him to say that it was just a joke. However, Chan wasn't laughing; he had tears staining his cheeks. One look at Chan told Jeongin that he was dead serious. 

Jeongin thought back and realised that Chan was obvious, so very obvious about his feelings. Jeongin was just too stupid to notice them. Instead of caring about Chan's feelings, he played with them. How much had Jeongin put him through? How had everything spiralled out of control so fast? 

Jeongin came back to reality and noticed that everyone was silent, staring at him. They all, along with Chan, were probably waiting for an answer. Suddenly, Jeongin panicked. What was he supposed to say? He wanted, so badly, to be able to say it back, to return Chan's feelings, but couldn't. He didn't feel the same way about Chan and he wouldn't fix anything by lying. 

So, he ran. 

Jeongin ran away, like he always did, too afraid to face all of his problems. He ran outside and the cold air hit him in the face. It was late at night and freezing outside. Jeongin had no where to go. He had left everything inside and had no means of getting home. He messed up. Big time. 

As he was walking around, mentally cursing himself, he heard his name.


"No, I can't, so tell me what it is!" 

Hyunjin stopped talking midsentence, looking up when he heard Jeongin yell. He saw Jeongin, looking furious and yelling at Chan. Chan tried to walk away, but Jeongin wouldn't let him. 

"So what if me and Hyunjin kissed?" 

Hyunjin knew this was bound to happen. He had been waiting for it since the night they kissed. He began ignoring Minho and listening to Chan and Jeongin's conversation, feeling guilty, knowing that he was the cause. 

"Why do you care so much?" Jeongin kept on yelling, as Chan was evidently trying to keep calm. 

"I like you." 

What? Hyunjin didn't understand. As far as he knew, Chan and Jeongin were already a couple. So why would Chan say that now? Unless... 

They weren't a couple. They were faking it. Suddenly, everything fell into place. 

Although Chan was definitely hurt, Hyunjin felt somewhat relieved. It felt, almost, like a ray of hope for himself, as selfish as it sounds. Jeongin ran away, leaving Chan in tears. Everyone was silent, the atmosphere heavy after what just took place. Chan turned around and walked over to Hyunjin. 

"Go." He said, smiling although he was hurt. "He loves you, not me. So, go now, while you have the chance." 

To be completely honest, Hyunjin hesitated. What good would it do if he went after Jeongin? Nonetheless, he nodded and ran out after Jeongin. 

He had no idea in which direction Jeongin went in and ran around, looking for him. Finally, he found Jeongin walking slowly down an empty street. 

"Jeongin!" He called, running after him. Jeongin looked back, confused.


"Where are you going?" Hyunjin asked, to which Jeongin stayed silent. "Jeongin, tell me what happened." Hyunjin said. Even though he had heard most of it, he wanted to know what actually happened. 

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