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From just seeing her, Jeongin remembered everything. He clenched his fist as she started talking.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," she said, using an innocent voice. "I got lost. It's such a big school, you know?" She said, lightly laughing. Jeongin heard whispers ripple through the classroom. 'It's her,' they said. 'The new girl.'

"Ok." The professor said, noting it down. "I'll let you off this time. Make sure this doesn't happen again, especially during my class."

ChaeRin nodded.

"Go sit in any free seat."

Jeongin almost swore out loud when he realised that there were only two free seats. One next to him and one next to Hyunjin.it wouldn't take a genius to guess which seat she was going to take.

As expected, she sat beside Jeongin at the front. The class oohed at her bold choice, whilst Jeongin fought the urge to run. As everyone began quietening down and continuing with their work, ChaeRin attempted to start a conversation.

"Jeongin!" She whispered. Jeongin didn't respond. "Jeongin!" She repeated, a little louder.

"What?" He replied, quite annoyed.

"Don't you remember me?" She asked, eagerly. "ChaeRin?"

"How could I forget?" Jeongin said, sarcastically. Well, it was true. ChaeRin had left him with memories that would hurt him for life.

"It's been ages, huh?"

Jeongin just nodded, trying his best to focus on something else.

"I missed you." She whined, holding onto his upper arm. It took every ounce of self control Jeongin had to not pull his arm away aggressively. He knew Hyunjin was watching and they were both painfully relieving the past...

Hyunjin watched as ChaeRin sat herself beside Jeongin. He scoffed. 'She hasn't changed a bit, has she?' He thought. Watching them, he felt a mix of emotions. Part of him was angry, he felt the same emotions he did when watching her follow him around every day during high school. He was also sad and hurt, she reminded him that he stupidly gave up an amazing friend, for what? But what was bugging him the most was the guilt and regret. He watched her hold onto Jeongin's arm and rest her head on his shoulder. Now that he knew that Jeongin was... gay, he noticed the details. He noticed how Jeongin tried to distance himself, he noticed how uncomfortable he looked. Why didn't he notice before?

The bell rang and Hyunjin figured there'd be a new member of their loser gang.

Jeongin found himself staring at the clock, ready to dart out of the door and get ChaeRin out of his hair the moment the lock struck 3. Finally, the bell rang. He was about to leave but it wasn't as easy as he'd hoped.

"Jeongin!" ChaeRin tottered over, trying to catch up. "Wait for me!" She clung back onto his arm as he tried to walk.

As they made their way down the corridor, Jeongin noticed all of the dirty looks he was recieving, but what else could he expect. There's a new, really hot, girl in school and she goes for the stupid, bullied loser?

"Jeongin!" He heard Seungmin call him from the other side of the corridor. He looked up and was never more happy to see Seungmin's face. He was accompanied by both Jisung and Felix. They all stopped when they saw ChaeRin all over him. She cleared her throat.

"I'm Chaerin," she smiled and flipped her hair over her shoulder. "I'm Jeongin's friend from high school."

Felix and Seungmin looked at Jeongin in disbelief, whereas Jisung's expression displayed worry. Jeongin almost forgot that he told Jisung everything.

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