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Minho was with Hyunjin outside his locker, waiting for Hyunjin to hurry up and put his books away. As he was standing there caught sight of Jisung walking by. His gaze unconsciously began following Jisung as he walked, his eyes filled with longing. Jisung hadn't seen him and it was probably for the better. If only things were back to how they used to be. 

"Ok, I'm done now let's-" Hyunjin paused, as he turned around and saw Minho completely in a daze. "What the hell is wrong with you?" 

"Huh?" Minho said, brought back to reality. "Nothing." 

Hyunjin wasn't stupid. He looked in the direction, trying to see what Minho was looking at and he spotted Jisung walking away. 

"What? Did you two fight?" He asked, although the answer was obvious. 

"What do you think?" Minho scoffed.

"Ok and why?" He asked, as they began to walk. 

"It's nothing." Minho said, refusing to answer. 

"So, what? Are you guys just gonna keep on pretending that the other doesn't exist?" Hyunjin asked, expecting the answer to be yes. 

As expected, Minho nodded, "Yeah, basically."

"No, you idiot." Hyunjin sighed. "Suck up your ego and go talk it out." 

"Look who's talking." Minho scoffed. "We went through hell just to get you and Jeongin together and you're telling me to suck up my ego?" 

"No one told you to." Hyunjin said, as if that were a valid excuse. 

"I know." Minho sighed. "I'll talk to him... later." 

"Whatever you say." Hyunjin shrugged. 

Jisung was walking home with Jeongin and Seungmin, when he heard Minho's voice. 


Jeongin and Seungmin stopped and turned around, but Jisung kept looking ahead, debating whether or not to run for it. Should he run or stay? 

"Hey, Minho are you-" Jeongin began, but was cut off. 

"Jisung, can we talk?" 


But before Jisung could make his great escape, Jeongin grabbed his arm, stopping him. Jeongin pulled Jisung back, towards Minho. 

"No no no! Jeongin! Let me go!" He muttered. 

"Go talk to him!" Jeongin said, pushing Jisung towards Minho. "See ya!" He yelled grabbing Seungmin and speed walking away. 

"What is it?" Jisung asked, sounding bothered. Why was he acting like this? No matter how much he didn't want to admit it, he couldn't deny that he missed Minho and wanted so badly to talk to him. Why was Jisung trying to act tough when Minho knew better than anyone how soft he was?

"I'll be quick, I just..." Minho looked down and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry. I'm so so so so so sorry. I'm sorry I didn't tell you what was going on. It's not that I don't trust you, I do. I trust you more than anyone. I was stupid and I was more focused on helping Hyunjin that I didn't even think about how you would feel being kept in the dark. I love you. And I don't-"

Minho's endless rambling was cut off when Jisung leaned forward and pecked his lips, making Minho freeze in his place. 

"I'm more sorry. I shouldn't have made you feel like that and I overreacted. I don't know... I just thought that you cared more about their relationship than... well... ours." 

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