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Camila's POV

I decided to go back to my apartment later that day. I gave Luke my number in case he needed to talk. He thanked me a billion times for helping him. I mean it's the least I could do for him.

I don't want any harm to him but I wish he would call. There's something about him that makes my stomach flip and my heart melt.

I decide to add a few little things to my room. I hang up some fairy lights in my room and organize my bookshelf. I work for what feels like 10 minutes but it was actually 2 hours.

I then snap a picture of my bedroom and post it on Twitter because why not? I'm pretty proud of my masterpiece.

Just as I lock my phone, my screen lights up.

"Can you please come get me -Luke"

"I'm on my way!"

He sends me the address which is an apartment building but not a nice one. I brought my first aid kit with me just in case.

It seems like it takes me forever to get there. There's so much traffic. I pull up to building and walk in. Luke is sitting on a bench in the lobby with his face in his hands.

I run over to him and place my hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, Luke," I say.

His head slowly lifts to reveal his black eyes, bloody nose, and busted lip. This doesn't even look like Luke. But his blue eyes twinkle a bit and I know it's him.

"Oh Luke, come on let me take you to my place," I say grabbing his hands. He's got a backpack that's pretty torn up but it looks like all he has.

Luke and I walk to my car and get inside. I look at him and he looks at me. I know how he's feeling. I do nothing but hug him.

After a while, I pull out in to the New York traffic again. Luke grabs my fingers and squeezes them tight like he's scared. I give a light squeeze back letting him know that it's okay.

We get to my apartment and I lead Luke to my bathroom and tell him to sit on the counter. I stand between his legs and begin to dab his cuts. I have to use the stuff that burns but it needs to be clean.

Luke winces in pain. I run my fingers through his hair that's flat today which is unusual.

His eyes were black and almost swelled shut. I grabbed two ice packs and placed them over his eyes. He rested back on my couch and I noticed something. His wrists were still wrapped.

"Luke, do you need anything?" I ask.

He smiles and sits up removing the ice packs. He opens his arms and I wrap mine around him. This boy is so broken.

"Can you look at my chest, please?" Luke asks.

I nod and Luke unbuttons his flannel. His chest is covered in marks that look the same as the ones on his back.

"Luke, how does this happen?" I ask.

He doesn't answer but tears well up in his eyes.

"Don't cry, Luke," I say as I pull him closer to me. I feel his tears soak my shirt. All I can do is comfort him.

Luke's cries go on for a long time. After a good fifteen minutes, he stops. His eyes are swelled shut due to the crying and black eyes.

"I-I.." Luke stutters.

"You don't have to explain anything if you don't want to, Luke. I'm just going to be here through it all."

He lays his head on my collarbone and despite his height, he somehow curls up on to me. I hold him tight because I know he needs it.

I look at his clothes, a ripped up flannel, dirty jeans, and shoes with hardly any soles. I don't know how to ask if this is all he has.

I think about how his dad treats him and it probably is all he has. All he has is the guys and me. I'll always be here.

Luke checks his phone and jolts at the time.

"I missed the bus back home!" Luke says.

"Just stay the night, Luke! You don't need to get hurt again anyways," I say.

"You'd let me stay?" He asks.

"Why wouldn't I?" I say with a smile.

"I'm sad and dirty," he says pointing to his jeans.

"I enjoy having you around!" I say. He smiles and blushes.

"So are we having a sleepover?" I ask.

"Slumber party!" Luke says in a girly voice that makes me laugh.

"But first, let me clean up your chest," I say as I lead him back into the bathroom.

These cuts look just the same as the ones on his back. I wonder what was used to make these?

"Grab your jammies!" Luke chants as I finish his chest.

"Only if you get yours!" I say.

We both run into separate rooms. I put on my cheetah print shorts and a black shirt. I also grab two pairs of bunny slippers.

I walk in to the living room to see Luke in dinosaur footy pajamas and a bag in his hand.

"Aw you're cute!" I say.

"You can be cute too!" He says as he hands me the bag.

I open it to reveal matching footy pajamas. I squeal and go change into them. They have a hood and it makes us look like dinosaurs.

"You are awesome Luke!" I squeal as I wrap my arms around his torso. He hugs me back.

"But not as awesome as the girl that picks me up, cleans my wounds, let's me stay, and most of all, accepts me," Luke says as he grabs my hand and kisses it.

"You're such a sweetheart!" I say.

We decide to have a dance party. Luke and I rock out in the living room. Until, Little Things by One Direction comes on.

"I love this song," Luke says.

"It makes me think of my first slow dance!" I say.

"Can we dance? I mean-"

"Yes, Luke."

I smile as he grabs my hand and places his other hand on my waist. I rest my hand on his shoulder. We just stand there for a second before Luke says, "I've never danced before.."

"Let me teach you! Follow my feet!" I smile.

I lead our bodies through out the living room and into the kitchen. We dance through the whole apartment. Luke even twirls me! His beautiful smile is contagious.

As the songs comes to an end, Luke frowns a little.

"I wanted to keep dancing!" He says with a pout.

"We can!" I say.

We dance and dance all night. As Luke pulls me in from a twirl, he loses balance and we both fall. Leaving me on top of him. We both giggle a little bit and then we look into each other's eyes.

Luke's hand moves up to my cheek making my heart melt. We both start to lean in. There is hardly any space between our lips before we stop. Luke smiles so big.

"Sorry, I can't help but smile!" He giggles.

I giggle a little bit before the gap finally closes between us.

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