rehearsal (eddy)

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"ohh man, what are all these?" eddy laughs, seeing the endless amount of bags hanging from your arms.

you glare at him, holding out a bag for him to hold.

eddy pouts, "i'm kidding. here, give them to me," he takes them willingly, giving your head a stroke while he's at it.

"how was rehearsal?" he asks softly, now being able to hold your hand in his.

you shrug, "normal as usual, but was somehow just way more tiring today."

eddy only nods at your reply, stroking a thumb over your skin delicately.

the conversation dies down, leaving the two of you to walk in a comfortable silence to the bus stop. you exchanged some laughs over small talk and listened to your boyfriend ramble about his day.

"i was really impressed with my Barber but also was really..." he paused halfway to make a face, no doubt wincing at the way his shoulder rest dropped, "...with how loud the sound resonated."

the boy went off on another story even after the both of you boarded the bus, telling it with emotion and passion with how you would with a kid.

"-are you listening babe?"

scrunching up your nose, "i'm sorry, eddy, not really. i'm kinda just staring at your face."

your last words led to giggling, patting his back as a form of an apology.

"thank you."

the other's head cocks to the side, "for what?"

"for lifting my fatigue with your stories. i always love it when you go full nerd mode."

"hey!" eddy's eyes and eyebrows are downturned yet again, and the crunch of the plastic bags on his arms rustle from his movement.

holding both arms out as surrender, your smile can be seen through the mask as the bus hits a speed bump.

"i'm just saying, you should work at a childcare centre; the way you tell stories is extremely captivating."

"should i play violin to them while i'm at it?" eddy grins, resting his free hand on your leg.

"they might try to pry at your violin, so no, unless you'd wanna sacrifice your old violin to them!"

eddy visibly cringes, thinking of all the the curious hands touching the instrument, some oily due to the snacks they might've eaten.

"no thanks, not even old violin-chan will be put through that. but thank you, i'm glad you think i'm a good storyteller."

your boyfriend's response lingers in the air, opting to lay your head on his shoulder for the rest of the ride home.

"thank you, eddy, for loving me," you mutter out absentmindedly, glad for the empty bus that sped through the highway.

"it's always something i'd do all over again," your boyfriend whispers, giving your thigh a small squeeze, "now go to sleep, i'll wake you up when we reach."

it's brief, but you feel the whisper of a kiss on your head when you're drifting into slumber, not missing the smile that forms on eddy's face.

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