prelude to the afternoon of a faun (eddy)

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based off the recommendations by twoset a few weeks ago! i had written this long time ago but stopped bc of projects and hence why i haven't updated as well :( hope u enjoy this! the video is below if you're interested in watching it!!

"what ya doing?" you pop into eddy's room, leaning on the doorframe while admiring the bed hair that he dons.

eddy could only pout in response, not liking your tendency to get up before he does.

"when will i get to cuddle you in the morning?" the other calls out sleepily, hanging around on the pillows as he squints at the morning sunshine.

"ehh, not anytime soon," you laugh, finally entering the room, "you know i have to get to work early. i need to grab some breakfast before i leave, babe."

"yea, i know that, but you don't have to verbally remind me."

you roll your eyes, inching your way onto the sheets as you pull up your phone, "you're so dramatic."

eddy doesn't answer, then, leaving you to browse the safari app on your device which was the reason you came into the room in the first place.

"i've been reading up about the piece you mentioned, afternoon of a faun? well, it turns out that they also made a short ballet act based on it." eddy perks up at that, knowing of your hobby for dancing.

due to the demands of your job, however, you had to stop classes, leaving you instead to rely on the instagram explore page and youtube videos of child prodigies on pointe.

curious to see one of his favourite pieces interpreted into dance, eddy sits up almost immediately, leaning against the headboard and glances at you for your reaction.

"i haven't exactly seen it yet, but it looks interesting. there's one by jerome robbins and another by vaslav nijinsky." eddy just nods along, seeing your finger drift toward the top result on youtube.


the video loads, and the familiar entrance of the flute has eddy's heart speeding up. as the curtain lifts, you suck in a breath to contain your excitement, the both of you locked in a trance before it even starts.

the faun on his mound stays motionless, doing intricate, sensual movements before the nymphs enter stage left. the harp begins and the dance continues, standing differently from classical forms of ballet.

the dancers' arms are bent with a ninety-degree angle, and their fingers straight as a ruler.

as you observe how they move with grounded steps, eddy can't help but watch you, your clear reaction of admiration shown on your face.

the score of debussy continues and builds as the faun and a nymph dance in time with the other before the nymph drops a veil to the floor.

eddy naturally curls up to your side, eyes still a bit hazy from the recent wake up. he observes the dancer's steps while you gesture along to the music, feeling the different instrumentation as if you were the one on stage.

at last, the faun goes back to his place on the mount as the piece and ballet comes to an end, bringing an erupting applause from the russian audience.

"wait wait, i want to watch that again."

there's a small smile on eddy's face, then, peeking at you through his hair as you take in the performance for a second time.

"how's it for a second time?"

"it's interesting, i really like the different forms that aren't usually shown in most ballets, although the faun really needs to control himself," you laugh, turning off your phone while your boyfriend stays clinging onto you.

your eyes flick to the time, frowning at how you needed to leave soon. your embrace engulfs eddy, giving him a peck on the forehead before leaving the bed.

"do you really need to leave...?" eddy musters his best puppy eyes, using his very obvious advantage against you: sweater paws and pouty lips.

you try not to let a smile slip through as you nod, picking up your stuff as he sits up straighter.

"we can discuss the erotic faun after work, yeah?"

eddy bursts out laughing at that, pulling you closer by the arm. he skilfully brings you closer with just his strength, planting a kiss onto your lips before sending you off. 

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