soloist of my heart (brett)

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"aren't you supposed to be practising?" brett peeks into your messy room, having just arrived from an errand.

cozied up on the floor, you dig into some holidays snacks while in your boyfriend's spring sonata jumper.

you hum in response, too preoccupied with the video you were watching.

"i already practiced! plus it's like 10pm now," you mumbled, eyeing the violin sitting in your open case. it's recent that you just got off practice, the shoulder rest still intact while the bow is still tightened.

your boyfriend sighs, "well, at least keep your violin properly."

he finally makes his way into the room, navigating through the wrapping paper scattered around.

you hum yet again, eyes still glued to the video on your laptop. your hand pops up, offering a snack to brett while you munch happily.

there's no movement from brett, prompting you to look up to see the cringe-fest happening on his face.

"another one of our old videos?"

"mhm, the community is doing a rewatch party. i just so happen to be free so... wanna cringe through your old days?" you grin.

the other only groans, knowing that he doesn't have much on his agenda for the day.

"i guess i'll be joining you for the night," he winced, settling himself down in a comfortable position as the resonance of violins clash in unique phrasing and accurate intonation.

"you looked really good playing violin outside, especially in that white shirt," you murmur, gently patting his jean-clad knee, "i'm proud of you."

brett's expression changes, "why?"

"why wouldn't i be? you've grown so much from before, and you'll continue to grow. for the previous days and the days of intense practice to come, i am and will be proud of you."

"maybe with you as my personal cheerleader, i could become a soloist."

you giggle, "well, i think you're already one, in my heart."

brett smiles at that, kissing your temple as the cover comes to an end, leaving you in silence, "thank you for always seeing the best in me."

your wordless reply comes in the form of a squeeze to his hand, leaning back to enjoy another video. 

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