livestream (eddy)

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'you did it!!! the concerto was amazing!!!'

your fingers fly faster than ever to congratulate your boyfriend, eddy, on the 3 million drop they promised for their youtube channel.

through the screen, your smile matched his as you watch proudly from where you were, tracing your fingers over the printed design of the new sibelius hoodie.

they're still talking to the fans, thanking and reading the flooding comments of encore pieces, 4mil prompts and coughing emojis, causing eddy to laugh through the screen.

you watch with admiration as the both of them take another bow, wrapping up with longing as the boys bid goodbye one last time.

timing your arrival right, you manage to reach their place just as they ended the livestream a few minutes ago, wanting to see your soloist boyfriend in person after squinting non-stop at the screen on the way here.

with caution, you knock on the door, surprised to have it open on the third one.

"(y/n)!" eddy grins, immediately encircling his arms around you as the proximity made your cheeks heat up.

"hi eddy," you smile, tone in contrast with the excited text you sent moments ago.

"i got your text."

you say nothing in response, leaning up to plant a kiss on his lips, "you did great, eddy."

the other keeps your lips on his, holding your body close to deepen the kiss. there's shivers running down your spine as his hands stroke your sides gently, as if you aren't standing in the doorway of an apartment.

"babe, we're basically exposed right now," you laugh, pushing at eddy's chest to enter before anyone caught you. you catch his hand right as he closes the door, spotting brett chilling on the couch whilst replying to dm's of the concerto.

"brett!" the older shoots up at the name, face lighting up when he spots you as he greets you with a side hug.

"you made the orchestra sound sick with just a single violin man."

brett only could smile bashfully, "thanks (y/n). eddy did well as the soloist too. the experience is so similar to the tchaik drop, but still so surreal with almost 50k people watching us. it's crazy."

the two boys continue to ramble over dinner, finally catching a break from the non-stop practice. even with tired bodies, their spirits remain energetic as they argue over pokémon with mouths full of food.

"c'mon, give it to me, i'll wash up for the two of you." a laugh escapes when they say their thanks in sync, the concerto from earlier still on your mind.

deep in thought, you go over how eddy played each movement with distinct feeling, yet connected the notes and phrased seamlessly while looking incredibly attractive. that garners a smile from you while scrubbing off a stubborn stain on the plate, failing to notice your boyfriend watching you zone out.

"hi," eddy leans on the counter next to the sink, shooting you a breath-taking smile, albeit tired.

"hey," you reply, stifling a smile while washing up the last few utensils.

"so what's up?"

laughing, you nudge his leg with yours, "is that the best you got?"

there's silence, then.

"thank you, though."

"for what?" wiping your hands on your shirt, you step closer to the other, "everything good?"

he nods at the question, bringing you into his embrace wordlessly.

"thank you for supporting me all this time. for being there when brett wasn't well and when we were unsure of the outcome of twosetviolin."

you rub his back to provide some comfort, looking up at him with love flowing from your eyes.

"it's no hassle. i'm here to be with you no matter the situation."

he meets you in another kiss, the stagnancy of the night bringing you peace from the fast-paced life you had. you hear the linger of another "thank you" on your lips before he pulls away.

"it's no problem, i promise. i love you, eddy chen." moving the hair from his face, your hands lose themselves in the strands.

"i love you too," he indulges himself in one last kiss before you take the first step, feeling his rough hands in yours as you intertwine them.

"let's go to bed, i'm sure you're beat today."

the tired boy only nods, following you into his bedroom to get a good night's rest.

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