it's been a long, long time (brett)

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dancing in the kitchen trope always gets me. enjoy! <3


the soft radio of the kitchen drones on as you finish with the last of the dishes and utensils. queuing slips from your mind for a moment, sucking in a breath when a trumpet sounds right after a classical piece.

you peek out from behind the hair that's hindering part of your view, eyeing your boyfriend's reaction to the jazz pouring from the radio.

stopping briefly from washing the plates, you raise your eyebrows and open your mouth, although you chose to close it a second later, seeing the approving nod from brett.

"so you like jazz now?" brett gives off a sound between agreement and disagreement, not wanting to hurt your feelings over a music genre that you like.

"it's...okay," he shrugs, leaning against the counter beside the sink, "this song...i like it."

"so much that your sentence structure has gone out the window?" brett feigns annoyance while you let out a little laugh, wiping down the last of the ceramic plate as vocals fade off into the stagnant, quiet kitchen.

"i'm just kidding, babe, i-" the next song startles you with another round of loud trumpets, your face instantly lighting up. you don't miss the cheeky chuckle that came from the other.

"it's the song that cap and peggy danced to- oh man, you gotta give me this one dance!" your grin is shining, practically begging brett to give in to your romantic nature.

brett considers, "love, i don't dance."

"please?" you pout, "at least until the sax solo."

he holds up a finger, "one, just one."

you surrender, your pout stretching into a smile, "fine by me."

you wouldn't think brett was inexperienced because the way he wrapped around you was so natural. the two of you sway, the song and the shuffling of your sock-clad feet the only sounds emanating from the space.

your heart prepares for when the other would release from the embrace, but it never comes as his arms only tighten around your figure; the small gesture makes the corners of your lips rise.

brett is caught by surprise when you're the one to pull away, your arms holding onto his shoulders while his stay around your waist.

"you stayed."

"i didn't confirm or deny when i would stop, but i did promise you a dance."

struggling to find words, the smile on your face only grows wider as the song decreases in volume. the gentle introduction of strings comes back on, signalling the end of the queued songs.

"ever the gentleman, mr brett yang, and thank you for the dance." you giggle, "go wash up first, i'll come soon."

your boyfriend lingers there for a bit, taking in how the moonlight manages to seep in and land on your face perfectly. just as you were about to ask a question at his hesitation, you were caught in a sudden kiss.

"i love you," brett grins, leaning in for one last playful peck before departing for the bedroom.

he's gone too fast to hear your similar reply, "i love you too."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2021 ⏰

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