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After all the shooting, the neighborhoods heard the gunshots and called the police and they arrested her and took her away.

My owner then took Tallstar to the animal hospital and right away they went to work on him.

But I couldn't stay with him and so we waited in the waiting room for any news of Tallstar's condition.

After a few hours the doctor showed up with blood on his outfit and she walked to us.

"How is he doctor?" He asks.

"Well, the good news is that we were able to save him" I sigh in relief "but the bad news is that the bullet that hit him did some damage on his leg since the bullet was pretty close to his leg," the doctor says.

"So what's wrong with his leg?" He asks.

"We had to cut it off or the cat would have died," the doctor says.

"Poor fella," he says "how long does he have to stay here before he's free to go?"

"He'll have to stay here for a few days before we can release him and with those few days we will be helping him walk on 3 legs," the doctor says.

"Thank you, doctor," he says.

After that, we left and went home.

When we got home my owner went into his room and when he was gone I got tackled and I looked and I saw one of the warrior cats in his clan. And it was female with yellow and white fur with green eyes.

 And it was female with yellow and white fur with green eyes

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"Where's Tallstar?" She asks.

"Aren't you his Beta?" I ask.

"Yes, now answer my question," she says.

"You got a name?" I ask "and he got hurt and my owner took him to the animal hospital to get better"

"You should have brought him to us," she says "and my name is Rika"

"I couldn't my owner took him before I could do anything and he almost died"

"What," Rika says being surprised "is he ok?"

"Luckily he is, but he lost his leg and they won't let him go until a few days and they need him to get used to walking on 3 legs and then my owner can bring him back"

"I need to tell the clan this so that they know and don't worry that their leader hasn't abandoned them," Rika says.

"He would never do that, he cares about the clan more than anything and that includes me"

"Wait, do you like him?" Rika asks.

"Even if I did, it's doesn't matter, he cares more about how his clan would treat him if they found out"

"Let me tell you something," Rika says "my mate has a brother and he fell in love with the same gender and that cat was part of BloodClan of Scourge's Clan"

"Who are these cats?"

"My mate's brother is named Graypaw and the other cat that he fell in love with is named Blood and they are happy together," Rika says.

"And your ok with the same genders being together?"

"There's nothing wrong with that and I don't why everybody thinks there is," Rika says "but anyway I need to go tell the clan and when Tallstar comes back here come to the clan and tell me and we'll bring him back to the clan"


After that, she went back to the forest and I laid on my cat bed.


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