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It was the next morning and Tallstar got us some food and then he showed me around his Clan and he even took me to a cat that knows medicine and it turns out they're called medicine cats and they checked wounds and injuries.

It was the next morning and Tallstar got us some food and then he showed me around his Clan and he even took me to a cat that knows medicine and it turns out they're called medicine cats and they checked wounds and injuries

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When he was done we left together and Tallstar showed me around the forest and it was incredible.

We then walked to a hill and I saw the whole forest and it was big.

"Each side of the forest is claimed by a different Clan," Tallstar says.

"How many Clans are here?" I ask.

"There are 4 Clans," Tallstar says.

"What are they called?"

"Well, you know about my Clan WindClan and the others are called ShadowClan, ThunderClan, and RiverClan," Tallstar says.

"Woah," I said looking at the forest.

We then ran around the forest and were having fun.

We then came running down a hill and I lost my balance and slipped and banged into Tallstar and we rolled down the hill.

When we hit the bottom Tallstar ended on top of me and we look at each other and laugh.

"Sorry," I said while laughing.

"It's ok," Tallstar says laughing as well.

We then get up and continue walking together.

After a while, we went back to the Clan and he showed me the Clan on top of the rock where the leader sits and watches everything and I could see everything.

I then look at him as he watched over his Clan. I then wrap my tail around his tail and I see him smile and I see his tail wrap around my tail as well.

"Tallstar," a cat says and that makes us break out tails free.

"What?" Tallstar asks.

"The hunters have returned with more prey," he says.

"Excellent" Tallstar says "dismissed"

I then tried to wrap my tail around his tail again, but he moves his tail away.

I then get down and went back to his den and laid down.

I then see him walk in.

"What's the matter?" Tallstar asks.


"Now I know that's a lie," Tallstar says "I know what you're doing, but it can't happen"

"And why not" I sit up "we were having a moment until that cat showed up and ruined it"

"We just can't," Tallstar says "males can't be together with another male"

"And why not," I ask "that leader in my territory has a male mate, and their happy"

"Cats fear him, that's why they don't go against him about him having a male" Tallstar says.

"I thought we were having a moment, but clearly all you care about is your image and how your Clan thinks of you"

I then walk out of the den.

"Where are you going?" Tallstar asks.

"I'm going home"

"Why?" Tallstar asks "we were having a good time"

"I just don't want to be here"

I then ran away with tears running down my face as I went home.

When I got there I went inside my house and lay on my bed.


After he ran off I went after him and I followed him to his home.

I then went to the window and I saw that he was really sad.

I do have feelings for him, but I can't be with him. My Clan finds the same sex together wrong and I don't need them thinking bad about me or him.

I then get down and walk back to my Clan.

"I'm sorry Jake"

"I'm sorry Jake" ===============================================

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