9/final chapter

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Time went by and Tallstar was back to normal and was feeling 100% better.

And he would go visit Jake every chance he got and sometimes he would leave Rika in charge while he would spend time with Jake for a few days before going back.

And right now Tallstar was walking to Jake's place to spend time with him since he hasn't seen him in a few weeks.

When he got there he saw Jake outside on the back porch and he was sad.

"Jake?" Tallstar says and Jake looks at him as he sitting next to him "what's wrong?"

"We're moving" Jake says.

"Moving?" Tallstar asks "you mean going to a new territory?"

"Yes" Jake says "my owner got a promotion at work and he was offered a better paying job and so we're moving in 5 days to a new city"

"Oh" Tallstar says "I'm sorry"

"It's not your fault" Jake says "but I do want to ask you something"

"What is it?" Tallstar asks.

"Um" Jake stops for a second "will you come with me?"

Tallstar gasps at his question "Jake, I love to go with you, but I can't"

"Why not?" Jake asks.

"I have a Clan that needs me" Tallstar says.

"And I need you" Jake says "but I guess your Clan is more important than me"

Jake then walks in.

"Jake" Tallstar says following him inside "you are important to me, but so is my Clan"

"Well, you can't have both" Jake says.

"Why don't you come live with me" Tallstar says.

Jake and stops on his tracks and gasps and look at him.

"You remember what happened the last time?" Jake asks "you didn't want to show your feelings toward me with all your clan cats watching"

"Yes, but I don't want to lose you too" Tallstar says.

"Just go home" Jake says as tears fall as he lays down on the couch and turn away from him.

Tallstar sighs and he was about to leave when he stops and runs to Jake and tackles him.

"Tallstar?" Jake says being on the bottom "what are you do-"he gets cut off by Tallstar kissing him.

"That's how I feel about you" Tallstar says "and don't you forget it"

He then leaves and goes home.

Leaving Jake shocked.

When I got home I went to my den and laid down and think about what Jake said.

"Something wrong?" I look up and see Rika.

"What are you doing here?"

"I saw you come back, but you looked down and so I came to see what was wrong" Rika says "talk to me"

"Jake's moving away to a new city/ new territory and he's asked me to come with him and I don't know what to do"

"Good riddance" Rika says "we won't have to deal that Kitypet and you won't be distracted with him anymore"

I sit up "don't talk about him like that"

"Why? It's not like you love him" Rika says "I mean duty comes first before love"

Tallstar x Jake ✅ Where stories live. Discover now