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After the fight with her, she kept her distance from them when Tallstar was around.

But luckily she moved out now and it was just Jake and his owner.

And his owner is looking for a new roommate as well.

But right now Tallstar was with a few warriors checking the territory for prey and danger.

And Jake was at home as he watches his owner packing some clothes and he made a meow noise and looked at him.

"It's ok, Jake" he pets him "I'm going on a 2-day business trip and I've asked the neighbor to look after you and I left you enough food and water until I return" he kisses Jake on the head "you be good ok"

When his packing was done he hugged and kissed him goodbye and Jake watched him drive away.

After a while, Tallstar showed up and when he got there he saw that Jake wasn't at his spot where they meet and that made him worry.

And so he ran to his home and went through the cat door and he saw Jake and he was sad.

"What's the matter?" Tallstar asks and he looks at him.

"My owner had to leave on a business trip for 2 days and now I'm alone," Jake says being sad "I hate it when he has those trips"

"Hey" he lays with Jake "I have an idea," Tallstar says.

"What?" Jake asks.

"Why don't you come with me to my Clan" he gasps "until your owner comes home," Tallstar says.

"I don't think your Clan will like a Kittypet in your Clan," Jake says.

"I'm the leader and if I say it's ok, they can't do anything about it," Tallstar says.

"I don't know," Jake says "I've never left this territory before," Jake says.

"I'll protect you from anything" he looks at him "I won't let anyone hurt you," Tallstar says.

"Ok," Jake says.

So they hung out for a while until they left the house and went into the forest.

While they walked in the forest Jake was looking around.

"We're almost there," Tallstar says.

"Ok," Jake says.

As they walked other cats showed up and that made Jake get close to Tallstar for protection.

"Tallstar who's the Kittypet?" One of them asks.

"He's a friend and he's staying with me and under my protection," Tallstar says "come on"

They then continue walking into the Clan and the other cats looked at him.

They then walk into a den.

"What's this place?" Jake asks.

"It's my den, but in your terms my home" Tallstar says.

"I see," Jake says and then sits "a lot of cats were staring at me and I feel out of place here"

"Don't worry" he sits next to him "nothing will happen to you and don't worry you'll feel more at home here over the next 2 days" Tallstar says "and I can show you around the territory"

"Ok," Jake says.

So they stayed in Tallstar's den and he explained the rules here and where not to cross so that he doesn't leave the territory for his protection.

When it got dark Tallstar went to get some prey and returned with 2 birds and they ate.

And then they went to sleep together.


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