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It has been a few days since I met Jake and it's nice to have someone to talk to and I've got to know his owner better as well and Jake was right he's really nice and cares for Jake very much.

But right now I was on the high rock watching the Clan.

I had some of the warriors out in the forest gathering prey for the Clan.

When everything was good I left the Clan and to see Jake.

When I get there I see him there as always.

"Hey forest cat," Jake says.

"Hey jakey"

"Stop saying that," Jake says with a blush.

I climb the fence and sit next to him.

"Why?" I ask "it's fun teasing you"

"Come on," Jake says getting down and goes into the house.

I then get down and walk into the house.

We then lay on the new big cat bed that his owner bought when he kept seeing us together.

We then lay on the new big cat bed that his owner bought when he kept seeing us together

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"I'll never get over how soft and comfortable these beds are"

"Is it hard laying on the ground?" Jake asks.

"Not really, we make nests and that makes them comfortable, but this is better"

Just then the door opens and it was a female.

"Oh, great" Jake says "she's here"

"Who's that?"

"That's my owner's roommate. She hates cats and tries to get rid of me, but my owner always keeps me safe" Jake says.

"Oh, good god," she says "another filthy cat animal" she then takes Jake throws him on the floor, and then comes at me "your next" when she tried to grab me I scratch her "ow" she rubs her arm "you mangy furball" she grabs me and that makes me scratch her in the face and scream in pain and falls on the ground.

I then run at her and attack and hurt her pretty bad.

When I was done I went back to Jake and I saw he wasn't standing on one of his front paws.

"Are you alright?" I ask.

"Yeah, when she threw me I landed on my front paws and I sprang my paw, but I'm ok," Jake says.

Just then I saw the door opens and I got an idea.

"Quick lay down act like in pain" he nods and acts like he was in pain and I got into the fighting position.

He then saw us.

"What happened?" He runs past her and runs to Jake and picks him "my poor baby" he checks him and then looks at me "you got blood on your fur" he takes me and he wipes the blood off me and then puts me back down next to Jake "what happened?" He looks at her.

"That new cat of yours attacked me for no reason," she says.

"Cats only attack people if they're a threat to them and Jake is hurt and I see this cat over him protecting him," he says.

"I was just going to sit down on the chair and I was moving the cats and then he attacked me," she says.

He helps her stand up.

"I told you before, that chair is for the cats not for you or me" he sighs and rubs his face "I want you gone"

She gasps "why the cat attacked me"

"I don't care, I want a roommate that likes cats and you don't," he says "so you have a week to pack up and leave"

"Fine," she says "I never wanted to be with a freak that loves cats more than the human raise"

She then walks into her room and slams the door.

He sighs and looks at me.

"Thank you" he rubs my fur "for protecting Jake, you always welcomed here, and if you want you can live here too"

After a while, I left and said goodbye to Jake and I went home.


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