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My owner came back home a few days ago and he has been giving me a lot of attention because he missed me.

I'm still not happy, but I miss Tallstar and how we use to hang out and he still hasn't come around.


It has been a few days since what happened and I haven't left my Clan.

I know what I did was wrong, but I'm stuck in between the rules of the Clan and my heart.

I have to make an example to the Clan about the rules and that they must be followed.

But spending time with Jake has made me change my point of view on some of the rules.

When night came I snuck out of the Clan and went to Jake's place.

When I get there I went to the window and I saw him asleep on his cat bed.

I then went to the cat door and went in and walked to him and lick his head and he groans in his sleep and then I walked to the door and went outside.

"Tallstar" I gasp and turn my head and I saw Jake walk to me "I'm surprised to see you here" Jake says.

"I wanted to make sure you were ok"

"And licking my head was part of that?" Jake asks.

"I thought you were asleep"

"I was, but I felt something wet touch me and I opened my eyes and I saw you walking out and so I followed you and here I am" Jake says.

I sigh "look, I'm sorry about what happened before and the way I acted"

"It's ok, I understand, you have a way that the other cats in your clan look at you and you don't want that to change" Jake says "but I do want us to stay friends"

"I'd like that"

We then talked for awhile until I had to leave.

But we agreed to meet up tomorrow.

When the next day came I did my duties on my Clan and then I went to see Jake.

When I get there I saw him with his owner getting rubbed on the spot that made him purr.

"Your friends here" he says "I got to get ready for that meeting I'll be back in 2 hours"

His owner then got ready and then left the house and that left us alone and hung out and we even played around chasing each other and laughing and having fun.

We played around for hours until we heard the door open and we looked and we saw that it wasn't his owner.

It was his old roommate the girl that hated cats and she something metal in her hand.

"She has a gun" Jake says with worry. We then saw her point the gun at us "run"

We then ran as she tried to shoot at us.

"To the cat door" I said.

When Jake got outside I locked the door thanks to him teaching me how to do it and then it left me and her.

"I hate you fur balls" she says and shoots at me.

But I run and dodge her hit and then I climb the wall and jump and land on her head and scratch her face and make her bleed and then I attack her hand with the gun and bite it and she drops the gun and she grabs me and throws me to the wall and I bang into it.

I try to get up, but she holds me down and I see the gun pointing right at me.

"TALLSTAR" Jake yells and I see him run right through the front door and attacks her.

Just then I saw him bite her ear and she moves around trying to get him off her and she let go of me I joined the fight and we hurt her really back.

She then grabs Jake and throws him hard to the wall and passes out.

She then grabs me and did the same thing to me and aimed her gun at Jake.

"What the hell" she turns her head and we saw that it was Jake's owner and then he attacks her and they fight over the gun, but thanks to that it went off and I saw the thing fly right at Jake.

"NOOOOO" his owner and me both said.

I then got up and ran to Jake and took the hit and I fell on the ground and I saw Jake open his eyes as I saw my blood coming out of me and that everything was going black.

"Tallstar" Jake says.

And that was the last thing I heard before I passed out.


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