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This is Jake


I was in the house eating with my owner and he eating his dinner while watching tv.

Just then the front door opens and it was my owner's roommate and I hate her.

You see the reason why I hate her is that she hates cats and she tries to get rid of me, but my owner loves me too much to let anything happen to me and he told her.

"If anything happens to my cat you are out of here and on the street," he told her that and she hates it, but leaves me alone.

But I do like to make noises and act like she hurts me when she gets too close and that makes my owner come right at me and he baby's me.

I'm spoiled and I don't care. My owner is amazing.

But right now they were talking and so I went to my owner and jumped on his lap.

"Why do you keep this cat, and not get a different animal," she says.

"Because I'm a cat person and I'm working on getting another cat," he says "so that my baby doesn't get lonely when I'm at work" he rubs my fur and that makes me purr.

"No, your cat doesn't need another cat or this place," she says.

"It's my house and it's my choice," he says.

"I hate cats" she then leaves and goes to her room and closes the door.

"Ignore her," he says as he rubs my fur.

After a while, we went to bed.

When the next day they went to work and I went out the cat door and I went to the fence and talked to the other cats for a while.

Until I leave and go to the spot where I met Tallstar yesterday.

I waited for hours and when I was about to leave I heard movement and that made me look that way and it was him.

I waited for hours and when I was about to leave I heard movement and that made me look that way and it was him

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"I thought you weren't coming"

"Well, I did say that I would try and I guess I made it, just before you were about to leave," Tallstar says.

"I guess so" we stare at each other "want to come inside my home and take a look?"

"I don't think I should," Tallstar says.

"It will be ok," I said "my owner and his terrible roommate are at work and won't be back for 2 more hours"

"Well," Tallstar says.

"Come on" he looks at me "don't tell me the leader is afraid"

"I am not afraid, I'm cautious, every forest cat knows to keep a distance from this territory," Tallstar says.

"Then prove it"

"Fine" Tallstar says.

He then climbs the fence and I lead him to my home.

When we get we go through the cat door and we go in.

"Welcome to my home"

"Woah," Tallstar says "what is all this stuff?" He asks as he looks around.

"It's called furniture and people like my owner lives with this stuff"

"I see," Tallstar says looking around "what's this?" I then see him near my cat bed.

"That's my cat bed, try it, it's comfortable"

"You sure?" Tallstar asks.

"Yeah, go ahead"

He then gets in and lays down "wow, this is so comfortable" he rolls all over it "this feels good"

I laugh a little "I guess y'all don't have beds like this in the forest?"

"Nope" he then gets up "that feels pretty good laying on" I nod "do you mind if I come more often? It would be nice to learn more about your lifestyle and you" Tallstar says.

"I'd like that"

We smile.

Just then the door opens and it was my owner and he saw us.

"Who's this" he tries to pet him, but Tallstar backs away "it's ok, little fella I won't hurt you"

"It's ok Tallstar, he's my owner, he loves cats"

My owner then gets closer and Tallstar gets stiff and my owner pets him and I saw Tallstar relax from the touch.

"I'm glad you made a friend my little Jakey," he says and then went to his room to change.

"Little jakey, hu," Tallstar says teasing me.

"Shut up" he laughs "he calls me that because he's had me since I was kitten"

"Wow, he seems nice," Tallstar says.

"He is"

"Well, I need to go now, before it gets dark" Tallstar says.

"I understand"

He then leaves and that left me and my owner alone until she got home.

"I hope I see you again Tallstar," I said.


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