~Chapter 4~

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"If you're reading this...

Congratulations, you're alive. If that's not something to smile about, then I don't know what is."

~ Chad Sugg, Monsters Under Your Head

(Not a Pokémon quote but shhh)


"Shinso can you just tell me what happened?" You asked the purple haired boy for the 19th time that day. Shinso had been avoiding the topic of the U.A entrance exam ever since he got his letter, you would never tell him that you were worried but your tone gave it away and now here you were at Shinso's house trying to force the answer out of him. Shinso sighed and you face-palmed "Shinso I have to know, am I seeing you at the Hero Course or not?" 

The boy sighed again and sat down at his couch and refused to look you in the eyes. You sat down next to him and grabbed his cheeks and made him look at you, Shinso did his best not to blush but his face was so close to yours! You felt some heat go to your cheeks but you fought it. This is serious and it is no time for blushing!

You narrowed your eyes and furrowed your brows "Are you going to U.A or not." after a few seconds you felt your brave façade fade for a minute until Shinso pulled away and dug around his pocket and then handed you a disk. "Wait a minute, isn't this?" Shinso nodded and you put the disk on the table and saw one of teachers talk about how he didn't make it into the Hero Course but he did make it into the General Course. 

It was heart-breaking to hear this and Shinso's face made you feel horrible for him and when the disk finally stopped you didn't know what to say. "I failed." You looked at the ground then you looked back at him "So that's it? You're just giving up?" Shinso finally looked you in the eyes with determination "No. I'm not giving up until I get in the Hero Course. You said that you had something planned for the Sports Festival, I don't know what you're gonna do but I'm telling you now, I have something planned to and the pro's will see what I can do." You smirked and waved your hand lazily "There's the Shinso I know. For a second I thought I lost ya." 

Shinso finally smiled ad he chuckled and you felt yourself give a genuine smile, it seemed like so long ago you felt this...what's the word? Safe? Yeah let's go with that. It felt like years since you felt so safe and comfortable around another human being you always had your guard up even around people like Gloria and Birch. It was nice to not feel so alone. "By the way...how did you find my address? I never told you where I lived I think." "Oh I asked a friend." Actually you asked one of your Pokémon to help you but he doesn't know about Pokémon . . .yet "You have friends be side me?" He did a dramatic gasp "I feel betrayed!" You laughed at his silly act even though it was kind of out of character for him but the author didn't know how to answer his question-


Walking down the halls of U.A you stopped short at the large door that had 1-A planted on it. You groaned and went in and saw a blue haired boy scolding a guy that looked like a Mankey but human. You rolled your eyes and sat down at the very last seat and guess who was right beside you? That Yaoyorozu girl and the Pokeball guy. 'So she did make it.'  

As more people came into the room you noticed the homeless looking dude in the corner, you raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything about it. You also felt someone looking at you and you knew it was the girl with the ponytail, you sighed "Can I help you?" you asked while side eyeing her, she quickly apologized for staring "Sorry, it's just that I feel like we've met before." 

"We have. At the recommended test. You tried to talk to me for some reason." "O-oh yes, now I remember." She hesitantly mumbled while remembering how you ignored her handshake. Thankfully she got your hint to leave you alone but even with her not talking to you, you were annoyed. Why, you ask?

~The Chained Hero~  Bnha x Pokémon Trainer readerWhere stories live. Discover now