(Special) Sick Days

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Summary: You get a bad fever and lots of stuff happens (It's mostly moments with Iida and Hitoshi)

Note: You rarely get sick and all the times you did were minor so that's why you didn't realize you were sick in the beginning

Another Note: Really really short, like it's literally 3,000 words


You couldn't get to sleep. Usually when you only get two missions instead of a dozen you would sleep like a baby, but for some reason, you couldn't. Not to mention you felt like shit.

So you stared at your alarm which was set for six am. You sighed and turned it off. It was five-thirty so you might as well get ready now. You got off your bed and did some stretches as quietly as you can so you wouldn't wake any of the sleeping Pokemon. After your morning stretches you went to the bathroom and washed your face. 

You splashed some cold water on your face to try and feel less shitty but it didn't work. You stared at yourself in the bathroom mirror while trying to think of a way to feel more refreshed, you checked the clock again, it was only five-thirty-five so you decided to take a nice cold shower, because for some reason you felt hot as hell and not the 'I look hot as hell' version. 

The shower strangely didn't help at all actually, it made you feel even worse. You sighed confused again and wrapped the towel around you and then you realized that you used the shampoo/conditioner for your body and the body wash for your hair. You face palmed. 'Well, it was just a tiny mistake. Mixing up those things can't hurt my body I think and I still smell good, I'll just use some perfume. Ugh the lack of sleep is getting to me.' 

You got dressed in the U.A uniform but you decided to not put the blazer on. You felt like you were melting in heat and you checked the temperature, it was completely normal and warm, just like how everyone likes it. You were kind of weirded out but you chalked it up to your tiredness and that you had been over-working yourself like always and so you texted your Boss asking for a couple days off. 

You lazily went back to your room when your the alarm just for the Pokemon (Cause they always say that your alarm is too quiet) went off and woke some of the Pokemon up for school. Most of the Pokemon started to stretch and yawn and all that stuff until you just collapsed in the bed, which startled a lot of the Pokemon. Lucario walked over to the bed and talked to you with telepathy '(Name), are you okay? I can sense something is wrong with you.' He asked worriedly. You got up from the bed, not expecting you to collapse in the bed either. 

"Uh. .yeah I'm good. I think I've just been overworking myself to much, with all this hero training and all the missions plus those bastards with the red R's on their shirts having been giving us way to much trouble. I already texted Boss asking for a couple days off and knowing her, she'll allow it." Lucario nodded but he was still worried. He could tell this was more than just you being overworked. 

You got off the bed and told him to wake up five other Pokemon, he was a little confused that you wouldn't bring your usual bunch and you told him that you wanted the others to have the same experience as the main group. He did what he was told and walked away to wake up the others that were coming along with him and you went to get some breakfast. 

The moment you touched the food though you felt like you were going to throw up so you put it back. You scratched your head confused but shrugged it off that you were still full from dinner, it was kind of a big dinner so you weren't to surprised. 

After the six Pokemon you were bringing ate breakfast you all left to go to school. Pikachu watched as you said goodbye to the Pokemon and closed the door. Pikachu asked Espeon if you were going to be okay and Espeon could only shrug in response. 

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