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It's been so long since I've done a chapter, I think it's been a year? Anyways as you can probably guess my obsession with Bnha has died down like a lot, I think I stopped reading the manga a bit after the Toga vs Uraraka fight.

Not to mention I haven't watched Pokemon Journeys or the new one yet, neither have I finished Pokemon Violet (I know I know I've had it for a while).

Buuut I love this book so much and it's done so much for me I want to rewrite it, granted it would take a long while since I'm focusing on making horrific Au's for a show made for 6-10 year olds (it's Lolirock if you wanted to know lmao).

I might re-read the first two seasons of Bnha because I still love those but everything else will be "canon fuck you I don't give a shit" if it's cool with y'all.

My writing style has changed a lot (maybe you can tell just from this lmao), especially with the horror part, if you thought (Name)'s backstory is bad I maaay make it worse :3c I can and probably will ruin everyone, def won't be PG.

Also the whole making myself a character just does not fit the tone of this book, of course 4th wall breaks are super fun but constantly? This is supposed to be serious not a crack book.

I might make (Name) use they/them because so there are so many female readers and I feel bad especially since I'm also using They/Them pronouns (She/They They/Them). Also I think I can make them more of a menace which is always fun to write.

There would be a lot less love interests (no villains they're crazy and love ain't gonna do shit expect maybe make them worse, looking at you Toga.) And Hawks even though I planned he would get feelings once (Name) is 18 it just feels wrong.

Also I'm getting better at art so I can design hero costumes totally re-designing Yamomo cause wtf and if I do do the rewrite I want to change the cover cause I technically stole it, just googled MHA and Pokemon and didn't even try to find the artist's socials

But what do you think? Would you like a rewrite? I'll leave the chapters as they are cause 1: They're kinda iconic and I like a lot of the stuff I did and 2: idk it feels weird to just edit existing chapters

Have a spectacular day/afternoon/night, know that I love you and goodbye!

~The Chained Hero~  Bnha x Pokémon Trainer readerWhere stories live. Discover now