~Chapter 5~

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A/N: This chapter is slightly inspired by 'For We Are One' by Maruex0x0x (Or PandaFanatic) 

New Key Thing: (F/F) Favorite Fruit

"There's no sense in going out of your way to get somebody to like you" 

~Ash Ketchum


'Maybe I should've taken Jigglypuff's advice and let them to use 'sing' on me.'  You were dragging yourself to class, you've only had an hour of sleep through out this entire freaking week and you just wanted to die at this point. Your mind was so confused you couldn't tell what was right and what was left. 

You also didn't see one of your love interests walking the same direction as you causing you two to crash. Your sense of balance decided to give up and ended up on the ground, you wanted to cry. "Ughhhh. . ." "Ow!" The blonde rubbed his head in hopes to ease the pain. 

He opened his eyes to see who he bumped into but he didn't see anyone. "Ouch." He re-directed his attention to the ground where you were. Your face was on the ground and your body had given up on you, Monoma blinked a few times as he stared at your form. 

You lazily faced him and you both stared at each other for a moment. ". . ." ". . ." Monona came to his senses first and helped you up. "My apologizes, I thought you would move but I guess I was wrong." You groaned "I've only had an hour of sleep for about a week gimme a break." "Oh. ." 'How do you respond to that?'   Monona sweat-dropped. 

"Uh, well, uh what class are you in?" He totally was not trying to see if you were in class 1-A so he could at least get a hint on what the other students quirks- "Class 1-A." Weird. Usually you would respond with 'None of your damn business' or 'Why do you want to know?' but I guess your sleepiness was messing with your brain. 

You yawned and asked "What about you?" Why do you care?? Why are you acting out of character?? Do you need to go to the doctor? "Oh I'm in class 1-B!" He put his hands on his hips and had a 'I'm better than you' tone. You 'ohed' before yawning again. Perhaps you can steal some Z's during English or maybe math? Eh none of them matter anyways. You nodded while he posed as if being in the same hero course as you was something he should be praised for. 

"Okay that's nice I-I'm going to go to class now, bye." You walked off with the laziest wave you've ever made. "Uh, bye? What a weirdo OH CRAP I'M GOING TO LATEEEE-" 


"Who can find the mistake in the following English sentence?" You were snoozing without a care as Yaoyorozu raised her hand to answer, you were fluent in English so this was a waste of time for you. You would sometimes cuss Kasumi out in English as she would yell at you confused, you once tried to cuss Alona out in English but turns out she was born and raised in Texas so that failed. 

One of your personal favorite subjects was Lunch. It was so helpful in your opinion and as you walked to you and Shinso's table away from everyone else. You were still dead tired but you weren't as tired as before. You smiled for a mili-second as you sat down. "Sup." "Hello (Last)." 

You ate in silence for moment "So how's hero course?" You slowly eyed him before answering "It's only been one day and I feel like dying." Shinso chuckled and you narrowed your eyes at him "You laugh but when you get in the Hero Course you won't be laughing for long." He smiled "We'll see about that." You playfully punched his arm. 

You two had a nice conversation until you classes started again.  


"I AM. . . COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!!!" You peeked out of eyes to see All Might and people chatting about him. You put your hand to cheek to rest, you admit it, he's pretty cool and awesome. "HERO BASIC TRAINING! THE CLASS THAT'LL PUT YOU THROUGH ALL SORTS OF SPECIAL TRAINING TO MOLD YOU INTO HEROES!" As much as you admire him he was loud but you know what you can handle it- "NO TIME TO DALLY. TODAY'S ACTIVITY IS THIS!" Okay maybe you can't. 

~The Chained Hero~  Bnha x Pokémon Trainer readerWhere stories live. Discover now