~Chapter 16~

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~Strong Pokémon. Weak Pokémon. That is only the selfish perception of people. Truly skilled trainers should try and win with their favorites.~   

~Karen (Pokémon) 


You walked to the bleachers with Ashido a few feet away from you. You silently sighed 'Just two more battles and I'll win. Of course there are three people I can possibly fight, Iida, Todoroki or Bakugo. Since there are only two more battles left I can use two Pokémon that my opponent have to knock them out or get them out of the ring. If one Pokémon gets unconscious then it's fine because I will still have one more, but if they get one Pokemon out of the ring then I automatically lose. Of course my opponent also gets an advantage so it'll be fair. They get the entire place to themselves.'

You entered the bleachers and sat down ignoring everyone who was kindly complementing you. You rubbed your eyes tired from everything and wished you could go home to the rest of your Pokémon. 


Vaporeon stretched herself awake, during the weird human commercials she took the time to fall asleep. She yawned and the younger Golduck twin greeted her again. "How was your nap?" They said in the Pokemon language. As if Vaporeon was a dog she shook herself to try and shake away her tiredness before she responded "It was fine, thank you for asking." Golduck gave her a closed eyed smile while the older twin rolled their eyes at the screen. "I hate these things, why do humans do this? I want to see the battles now." 

Vaporeon sat up straight "Humans aren't like us, they can't get healed immediately and go back into battle, they need time to heal and the people that operate this needs some time to decide who will be going against who. It'll be over soon I believe." Golduck sighed as their twin patted their back. 

One of the Whooper children jumped up and down "I can't wait to see how things go!" Another jumped with them "I know! It's interesting to see how the Pokémon fight against the humans, ooh, I hope the 'Pokémon Trainer' wins!" The Whooper mother told them to sit down. 

Vaporeon laid down and had a small smile on her face. "I hope so too." She turned back to the screen that had a reporter talking about the four people who were going to the next round. 


Kasumi plugged in her phone and got into a comfortable position on her bed. Wartortle ran to her to see the phone, she giggled and patted them on the head which made the water turtle smile brightly. "To!" Togepi jumped into Kasumi's lap and sat down comfortable. 

The reporter on the phone screen was talking about the people who were going into the semi finals, it had turned to you. Kasumi furrowed her brows. 

"(Last). . ." Togepi looked up at their trainer with a confused expression and so did Wartortle. Some of Kasumi's other Pokémon sighed knowing where this was going to go. 

Kasumi sighed "Well, I'd be lying if I said that she didn't deserve to be in the semi-finals." Everyone looked back at the screen which was displaying all the Pokémon you've shown so far. "(Last) is an amazing at battles and she loves Pokémon with all of her heart." Kasumi was silent for a moment, contemplating is she should say what was on her mind. The screen switched to the last commercial and she sighed, deciding to just keep it in her mind. 


"AAAND We're back!!" Present Mic shouted and Meowth pulled his ears down as he shook his head. Everyone had already been told who they would be fighting so you weren't at the bleachers, instead you were near the tunnel but in a way where you could still see the battle. 

~The Chained Hero~  Bnha x Pokémon Trainer readerWhere stories live. Discover now