~Chapter 11~

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~I can teach you how to be just like me. Crying all night, sleeping 'til three. I can teach you how to be just like me!~

~Just listen carefully~

-Hello Kitty


The Government of Pocket Monsters Protection Agency Meeting Room  Time: 10:25 Date: The Day Before U.A is opened up again

All of the other directors left the room, each saying goodbye in their own way, leaving the head boss to be on his own. The Government didn't try to mask his tiredness, he sighed exhausted from the meeting, serval people dislike the idea of releasing the Pocket Monster and had pointed out that he himself had not to long ago talked about how he wasn't a fan of the idea of sending a teenager to introduce the species. Before one of the directors left he stopped and looked at his boss, concern on his face. "Sir. ." He spoke up, clearly tired as well. 

The Government of this place sighed again and didn't even look at the tall male, said male hestaited before telling the Government "Get some rest." The Government took a breath then looked at the male with his dull red eyes, if the mini boss looked closely he could see a dark purple in his eyes, trying to take over the dull red ones. "Thank you, Nakano. You should also get some rest." The Government thanked him. 

Nakano left the Government alone. 

The Government sighed once again, sighing seemed to be a thing for him. He pulled out his phone and read over multiple trainer's text, many sayin that they had to fight with people that have red 'R's on their shirts, they all were reported to have the same uniform that I can't describe for the life of me. I'm so sorry. 

He sighed again as he scrolled through the dozens of messages from different, he pressed on (Last)'s texts

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He sighed again as he scrolled through the dozens of messages from different, he pressed on (Last)'s texts. He frowned even more seeing the report of someone attacking a place full of Water Types, his heart slightly ached when he read that three new Pocket Monster eggs were murdered. (Last) had also said that she thought maybe releasing the Pocket Monsters would decrease the amount of crimes against Pocket Monsters, since more people would be aware of what was going on, it would be more difficult for people to try and take them away. 

(Last) (Name) 

Or maybe I'm just talking nonsense and I'm a dumbass lol

The Government rolled his eyes at the last message '(Last) can never take things too seriously can she?'  He sighed for the hundredth time that day. He was. . .nervous about releasing the Pocket Monsters into the public eye but he knew they had kept them in the dark for way to long. The public should know. Besides, the numbers of trainers were decreasing quickly, most Pocket Trainers were either to old for the job or had joined some weirdo into the side of villainy. 

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