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As said in the title, today marks the day I published The Chained Hero. Okay technically I don't remember the exact date, I just remember it was the first week of January but I'm 50% sure it's today. 

Wow. A lot has happened since today, hasn't it? Thanks to this book and you all my writing has gotten a lot better (see my first short story on my random book), my confidence has boosted, I've gotten a healthy passion that helps my mental health. I didn't expect this. The night I published the book I was so scared on what people would think, I didn't even think it would get views. But people really enjoyed it, so I kept writing, and writing and writing. And now, we just finished the second arc and on our way to chapter twenty (I'll admit I thought I would be at least in season three but 2021 sucks so it's not my fault).

Words can't describe how grateful I am to have a lot of people supporting me. You guys are so kind, and I don't know to take that. I guess I'll just keep on writing. Y'all are gonna hate me in the next chapter I kind of feel bad for MC lol.

I really don't know what else to say expect 'Thank You'. 

Thank you for being patient when I take forever to finish a new chapter. 

Thank you for saying all those compliments. 

Thank you for staying with me. 

Thank you for giving me time when my mental/physical health (damn teeth) wasn't the best.

Thank you for reading. 

I don't know when the next chapter will be out cause I'm only at 3,000 words. I finished the first day of the two-day break though! Hopefully soon cause I really want to see everyone's reaction.

I'm actually celebrating today I have a cake and gonna force my lil sis to sing birthday lol.

Have an amazing day/afternoon/night, and again, thank you. 

~The Chained Hero~  Bnha x Pokémon Trainer readerWhere stories live. Discover now