~Chapter 21~

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Thank you so much @still0npresent_time for the amazing fanart!! 

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Thank you so much @still0npresent_time for the amazing fanart!! 

~The way I see it if you wanna see the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain~

-Dolly Parton (Thank you Zufi_123 for giving me the quote inspo!)


BEEP BEEP BEEP BE- "Ugh shut up." You hit dismiss on the alarm and throw off your blanket while rubbing your eyes. Sitting up you shook Pikachu and Espeon awake "Wake up slowpokes. It's time for school." You sigh as Espeon groaned and Pikachu stretched. Vaporeon Jumped on the bed, accidentally making a talking cat flinch and fall off the bed.

"EP!! What the hell just happened?!" You stifled a chuckle as Meowth glared at you. Vaporeon apologized repeatedly "Ugh. . .I guess it's fine. Almost every single beginner Pokémon does somethin' like that." "Don't act like you've been doing this for years!" Meowth got a blanket and wrapped himself. "Yeah yeah, whatever. Don't you have school?" You got your uniform out "Yep. Vaporeon you coming with us? It might be boring." Vaporeon nodded, quite excited. You shrug and open the bathroom door "Psyduck, get out of the bathtub. If that's what you want than sure." "Psy?"

Everyone else had to suffer through the trouble of trying not to get soaked from the rain or waiting for the train, but not you! You got Espeon to just teleport you to the entrance. You teleported there and scared a couple of people which made your whole morning. You were about to walk to class before you heard "THIS IS NO TIME FOR AN IDLE STROLL!!" 'Oh, Iida's here.' He zoomed past you and went to the small lockers. You leaned besides it "Sup." "Good morning (Last)-san!" "Ah! Hey (Last)." You began to leave "See ya." You gave them a peace sign and left "Um. . .okay?" Iida and Midoriya didn't know how to respond to that.

Inside the classroom Ashido, Hagakure, Kirishima, Sero and Tsu were talking loudly to each other before you came in. Tsu sat up straight up and greeted you "Good morning, (Last). How is your morning?" You crossed your arms "Morning, I'm fine." Sero questioned "You're fine? Weren't you swarmed by people talking about how they saw you on T.V?" "Espeon teleported me here." "Oh." As you walked to your desk, they went back to talking to each other. The bell rang and Aizawa came in, suddenly everyone was silent as a mouse. Tsu pointed to her face "Good to see your bandages off, Aizawa sensei." Said man scratched under his eye "The old lady's treatment was excessive. But never mind that. Today we've got Hero Informatics and a special one at that." You raise an eyebrow at his statement.

"You'll be coming up with your hero aliases."


'Stop being so loud damnit!' Aizawa used his quirk which scared everyone into being quiet "But first, concerning the pro drafts picks I mentioned the other day. It's based on who the pros think will be ready to join the hero force after another two slash three years of training. So, you could say that it's a way for them to show interest in your futures." 'What's the catch?' "But there's ample time for their interest to wane before you graduate and any and all offers can be arbitrarily revoked. It happens quite a lot." Mineta slammed his fist on his desk "Stupid adults and their whims!"

~The Chained Hero~  Bnha x Pokémon Trainer readerWhere stories live. Discover now