Chapter 9 (Just comfort)

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Midoriya's POV
After me and shigaraki finish our talk i walk back to the main room. "hey midoriya?" I look towards denki to see him waving me over. I walk over to him and smile "need something?" Shinsou joins the conversation "when did you join the league?" "oh, um not too long ago actually, it was the day we all went to the mall" They look to be in thought for a second before denki speaks up "that was only like a week or two ago" I nod.

Denki looks down "have you heard about uraraka?" I shift lightly "yes.. did it bother either of you?" Shinsou looks me up and down "no it didn't, why?.." I rub my arm slightly and stare at the ground "...because, it was me.." I carefully look up to them to find them looking curiously at me "you've killed someone? what did it feel like?" I stare for a second before lightly smiling "it's like a moment of complete control and a overwhelming rush of adrenaline"

After an hour of catching up with denki and shinsou i head back to my room and flop down into my bed. I let out a sigh and reach under my bed to find my knife gone 'right the cops have it...' I get up and walk over to my bag and pull out my pencil case. I unzip it and grab my pencil-sharpener, then i pull the tiny razor out of it. I walk back over to my bed and pull my sleeves up. I run the blade across my wrists let out small groan of pain. I jump when i hear a soft knock on my door "one sec!"

I jump out of bed and grab bandages out if my bag quickly wrapping them around my arms then i pull my sleeves down and hide the razor back in my pencil case. I walk over to the door and open it putting on a calm face with a fake smile. I open the door to find shigaraki "hey i'm bored and hiding from kurogiri can i chill with you?" I step aside letting him in my room "i'm not really doing anything i've just been lying in bed and playing on my phone" He shrugs "eh it's better then sitting in my room doing nothing" I walk over to my bed and lay down pulling my phone out and starting a random game.

After a minute of looking around my room shigaraki lays down beside me watching me play my game. An hour passes when i feel an arm wrap around my waist, i blush and look to shigaraki who seems to have fallen asleep. I let out a small sigh and relax letting shigaraki cuddle closer to me. I smile lightly as i continue my game for another hour. This time being interrupted by a knock. I glance at the clock 3:57am 'why the hell is someone at my door' I get up slowly detaching shigaraki from my body and walk to the door. I open it to find muscular who stinks of alcohol, in an instant his hands are on my hips and his lips start sucking on my neck.

Shigaraki's POV
I wake up to a giant crash my eyes instinctively open and i jump up getting slightly dizzy in the process. As my eyes adjust to the scene before me i hear light growling. I squint in the darkness finding midoriya standing by the door, i walk towards him and follow his gaze to find muscular in a wall, passed out. Then i spot a bruise forming on midoriya's neck i understand the situation as other league members join the scene. I gently put my hand on midoriya's shoulder causing him to flinch and spin on his heels readying a attack. "calm down" He slowly nods and goes back to lay down in his bed, i step into the hall and find kurogiri.

"take care of him" I say pointing to muscular before walking back into midoriya's room and lock the door. "hey are you ok?" I say calming walking back over to his bed. He hesitates but slowly nods. I sit down on his bed and he turns to face me, that's when i see tears slowly streaming his face "c-can i have a h-hug?" I slowly nod and open my arms not exactly sure how he wants to do this. He pulls me down beside of him and buries his head into my chest. I let out a surprised gasp from the sudden action but none the less pull him close to me trying to comfort him.

I wake up with a groan finding myself still holding midoriya. I lightly blush and untangle myself from him causing him to wake up. "thanks for last night" I nod lightly and sit up "i'm gonna head down stairs" He yawns and nods while stretching. I get up and head out to the main room to find dabi and toga sitting at the bar bickering about something. I sigh but apparently that was a bad choice as they immediately turned their attention to me. I sit down at the bar and toga is the first to poke me "so?.." I wave to kurogiri and he passes me a water, i send him a quick glare before turning my attention to toga.

"so?.." I repeat before taking a sip of my water. She smiles at me as midoriya enters the room "how long have you two been fuck buddies?" I sip out my water and blush "what?!" I hear quick steps out of the room but assume they are midoriya's and ignore them. Dabi laughs and toga repeats herself but slower "how long have you two been fuck buddies?" My blush never fades but i slowly calm down "we aren't and why would you think that" Toga gives me a sideways look "then why were you in his room at three in the morning?" After a short explanation and a long while defending it they agreed but held onto their suspicions.


A demon at heart; Shigaraki x Deku (Mha)Where stories live. Discover now