Chapter 11 (Getting cold)

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Shigaraki's POV
We texted everyone in the lov that we found a new base and then we settled in, being the first people there we got the best rooms right beside the main room and bar. I finish setting up my room and walk out into the bar to find izuku and kurogiri talking. I silently join there conversation. “wait shigaraki actually threw a hand at you?” I immediately blush “hey don't talk about me” Midoriya looks over to me wearing a soft smile “sorry shig” I nod “hey i found one of my old consoles wanna play?” Midoriya gets up "sure"

We head into my room and i pull out two ps4 controllers handing one to him. We play for two hours before midoriya starts looking around my room. Adventually he grabs something and holds it up "you dye your hair?" I look up at him finding him holding a bottle of blue hair dye "ya i do" He hums for a second "why blue?" I shrug "why not blue?" He smiles "i guess i'm just as weird" I lay back on my bed "why is that?" He jumps onto the bed beside me "i chose green" I process his words and realise what he meant "you dye your hair?" He nods.

Another half an hour passes of just me and midoriya hanging out. "come here i'm cold" I turn around to see midoriya laying down and making grabby hands at me. I walk towards him "how am i going to fix you being cold-" Midoriya yanks me onto the bed with him and wraps himself around me. I blush as he burries his head in my chest, slowly i wrap my arms around him. He pulls away from my chest and looks up at me. I feel my face flush at his intimate stare.

He moves closer to me and i slowly move closer to him until our lips meet. The kiss is slow and gentle till midoriya quickly pulls back "s-sorry" I grab his chin and pull our lips back together, the kiss starts slow but speeds up the longer it gets. I run my tonge along his bottom lip asking for enterence, he slowly opens his mouth letting my tonge slide into his mouth. As i explore his mouth he lets out a soft moan telling me he needs air, i pull back and we both start lightly panting.

He looks up at me with blush tinting his cheeks "so..." I sigh and roll on top of him pinning him to the bed "shut up" I bring our lips together again and flick my tongue around in his mouth. His arms wrap around my neck and he pulls me closer. My hands rest on his hips pulling us together. I tilt my head to reach deeper in his mouth. We pull apart for air, panting softly. I go to reconnect our lips but stop when i hear a knock on my door.
I quickly get off midoriya and walk over to the door. I open it with an annoyed sigh only to find dabi "what do you want?" "boss wants to see the kid" He says as he nods towards midoriya who's now standing behind me "why would he want to see midoriya?" He shrugs "i don’t know all he said was bring midoriya to his office" I sigh "alright whatever, i'll take him over" Dabi nods before stuffing his hands into his pockets and walking away.
"come on lets go see what the boss wants" He nods and i lead him towards the bosses office. Once we get there i open the door and we walk into the room to find a prepared voice message, boss left a few of these before he was captured. We click play and listen to the recorder “hello izuku, i was impressed with your unbelievable spirt and your bravery. Most new recruits would be scared to even wave at me never mind tell me i'm wrong. What i'm saying is even though your a new member i think you should be second in command to shigaraki” I hear midoriya gasp and we keep listening.

“shigaraki i'm assuming your also listening to this as you two are often together, you two will make a powerful team of leaders use your strengths together and i'm sure you will win the war between hero’s and villains” There’s a pause but the tape continues “... oh! Right izuku, i know you lied” Then the tape cuts, i look to midoriya to see him staring wide eyed at the tape. “what did he mean?” He looks to me then looks down, i sigh. I walk over to him and put a hand on his shoulder “tell me when your ready ok?” He smiles sadly up to me and nods.

A demon at heart; Shigaraki x Deku (Mha)Where stories live. Discover now