Chapter 5 (Waking up together)

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Midoriya's POV
I wake up to my alarm blaring. I go to shut it off, that's when I realise somebody's arms are wrapped around my waist. I blush and look to see who it is 'SHIGARAKI!?!? WAIT SHOULDN'T I BE DISINTAGRATING?!?' I hear him groan and his eyes slowly open.

Shigaraki POV
I slowly open my eyes to see midoriya in bed with me. I blush a dark red and realise my arms are around him. "h-hey?" he says as I take my hands off him "hey..." I answer "why didn't I disintegrate" he asks as he sits up "I have gloves on" I answer while getting off his bed "o-oh!" he says looking at my gloved hands "I'm gonna go back to my room" I say well walking to the door, he nods and i leave.

As I head back to my room I start to blush again. I quickly walk into my room and close the door behind me 'that was embrassing' I walk over to my bed and flop down onto it 'why do I have to be gay...' A few minutes of me just laying on my bed doing nothing pass. Then there's a knock "whhhhaaattttt" I grumble out. Through the door I hear kurogiri "boss is holding a meeting later and i am informing people" "alright" I answer and then I hear footsteps away from my door.

Midoriya's POV
As soon as shigaraki closes the door I lay back down and put my arm over my eyes 'why am I such a useless faggot' I sigh then I roll out of bed. I change into dark blue jeans and a baggy sweater. I open my door to find kurogiri "you need something?" I ask. "I just wanted to inform you that there's a meeting later" He says. "when is it?" "we will text you later the time and place" he says as he walks away. I walk the other way and go down the stairs. Once I get to the main room, I see a few new faces 'they don't look like new recruits...' That's when I notice toga sitting in a corner not talking to anyone.

I walk over to toga "why are you sitting in a corner?" I ask her. She gives me a pouty face and says "kurogiri put me in time out because I stabbed one of our members" I hold back a small laugh and crack a smile. "alright" I say as I walk away. I sit down at the bar and ask kurogiri for a drink. He nods and pours me a drink. As I pick it up, I notice a guy watching me; he's extremely buff, he has blond hair and has a scar over a fake eye 'I don't like the way he's looking at me...' I quickly finish my drink and get up. The man's eyes seem to follow me. I leave the bar silently and duck into an alley.

I sigh and start walking with my head down. After a bit of walking I decide to go to Hiro mall. Hiro mall was abandoned after a villain attack destroyed it beyond repair, now its run down and the only people that really use it are squatters and delinquents. But sometimes I go there to train or clear my head. I keep walking until I can see the building. All the windows are boarded up and the doors are chained shut. I walk around to the back where someone broke a window and climb in. I wander for a few minutes before I decide to go to the top floor. I looked at the place the stairs to the roof used to sit, now it was just a hole. I sigh and walk into an old shop.

I look around; there's dust everywhere, a cashier's desk is flipped on its side and racks that I assume used to hold clothes or something are thrown everywhere. I pick up one of the racks that laid in the middle of the room and lean it against the door 'this should be enough space' I stand in the middle of the small store and let my eyes burn red. My horns twist out of my head then my tail whips out. My wings then fold out as my hair fades to black and underneath me green flames form a pentagram.

Shigaraki's POV
I finally decide to roll my ass out of bed and get up. I walk over to my desk and change. Then i go down to the main room. Everybody's being loud, i grit my teeth and yell "SHUT UP!" The room quiets down and i take a seat at the bar. The room slowly begins to softly chatter again. Kurogiri slides me a drink and i slightly smirk 'not even half-way through the day and I'm already drinking' I swirl my finger around the rim of my cup and look over the room. I know everyone in the room, maybe not well but i know who they are. My eyes land on muscular, he may be a perverted psycho but he is strong and a valuable asset.

A demon at heart; Shigaraki x Deku (Mha)Where stories live. Discover now