Chapter 6 (A meeting)

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Midoriya's POV
As I'm walking back to the base my phone beeps. I pull it out of my pocket and open it. It says the meeting is starting in 10 minutes in an abandon warehouse. I open the maps app on my phone and type in the address. When the address pings, I start following the directions. I get there five minutes early so i look around a bit. There's seven exits in total, eight if you can get up to the window up by the roof. I stare at the window trying to find a way up when I feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn to see shigaraki.

Shigaraki's POV
I walk into the warehouse and see midoriya staring up at a window. I walk over to him and tap his shoulder. He swiftly turns around "hey shig" I look at him "shig?" He just nods. For once I don't hate my nickname "come on I'll show you where we are meeting up" I lead him into a room with a long table and we sit down. I sit beside the chair at the head of the table and midoriya sits beside me. We talk for a few minutes and people start to file in.

Midoriya's POV
As people file into the room one stands out, it's the blonde guy from the bar. He sits down and his eyes latch onto me. His gaze makes me shutter. Then the door opens again and all for one walk in. He sits beside shigaraki at the head of the table "we have new recruits, introduce yourselves" he motions to shigaraki "hey I'm shigaraki" He says slightly leaning back in his chair. Then i introduce myself "midoriya" i simply say. We go around the table, when the blonde guy speaks "muscular" The way he looked at me as he said his name made me shiver.

The meeting was spent working on a plan to infiltrate a U.A. camping trip, I kept quiet and listened. Once we finally had a good plan shigaraki spoke up "Then second reason this mission is so important is because we are hoping to turn one of the students" Then all for one speaks "more specifically katsuki bakugou" this caught my attention. He starts explaining why he'd be a good fit. Then I interrupt him, all eyes turn to me "ka-bakugou will not turn to villainy" I say bluntly. All for one slightly raises his eye brow "why not?" He asks.

"bakugou may be cocky and an ass but his drive to be a hero is real" I make eye contact with all for one as I speak "society praised him for having such a powerful quirk, he's understood that he is strong since a young age and that made him extremely cocky, his kill everything attitude is just him wanting to prove he's better then everyone else" My voice is calm as I explain my reasoning "you wont have any luck turning him into a villain rather you should look at shinso of class 1b or denki he may seem stupid but that's just a front so people underestimate him, also I know for a fact his home life isn't great either"

All for one side eyes me before facing the table again "change of plans instead of kidnapping katsuki we will be taking denki" The room fill with soft whisper and then all for one get up. Shigaraki also stands and they leave. People slowly start leaving so I get up to leave as well. But someone grabs my shoulder and i turn around, muscular. He speaks "I want to talk to you~" I shiver at his voice, there was something about him that I really didn't like. The room is empty now either then the two of us.

He pushes my back to a wall and pins me, he leans into my ear "you know you've got such a nice ass~" his voice come out as a low purr. "get off!" I struggle under his grip. His hands tighten around my wrists "if you keep struggling, I'll make sure you can't walk for the next week" I stop for a second and he pulls his head away from my ear. I look him straight in the eyes and say "let. me. go." He laughs. My eye burns red with anger and I use my telekinesis to slam him into the wall on the opposite side of the room. I walk over to him and look at him "you touch me again and I'll gut you" I say venom lacing my words. Then i turn to the door only to see all for one and shigaraki staring at me. 'oops...'

Shigaraki's POV
Me and boss walked back into the meeting room hearing voices to see midoriya standing over muscular. 'how the hell did he manage to take down muscular???' Muscular groans and slowly gets up that's when i notice the dent in the cement wall behind him 'wtf happened here' Boss pipes up as I try and compose myself "What happened here?" his voice was playful but I could hear the shock in it. Midoriya ran a hand through the back of his hair "just a little disagreement" he says. I scoff "then why don't you explain the dent in the wall" I point the dented cement wall. I watch him shift his weight "I told him to let go..." he says as he stares at the ground. Suddenly i get a clearer picture of what happened. I tap bosses' shoulder and whisper to him "muscular was being an ass" He nods and leaves. But I was still interested on how a quirkless took down muscular.

A demon at heart; Shigaraki x Deku (Mha)Where stories live. Discover now