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In this au, midoryia has a quirk, his quirk can be extremely dangerous if he's not careful so he never told anyone about it (it developed late so people already thought he was quirkless), but he has been training it so he has good control over it, also midoriya never got all might’s quirk but he still managed to get into U.A. while acting quirkless. All might still said that midoriya couldn't be a quirkless hero

QUIRK: Inner Demon

Description: When active the users eyes turn a deep red, the quirk allows the user to do anything a demon can do (think generalized demonic powers like fire, shadows, illusions and the like)

A Few Examples are; The quirk increases the users physical strength, and the user can grow wings, a tail that’s tipped with poison and horns, the user also can light fires, shapeshift and can release dark smoke at will, the smoke has a few different uses but the primary one is blinding foes temporarily. The user can also possess people and read thought by making eye contact with them. Any features that have been changed revert back to what they were naturally when fully in demon form, if control slips when in demon form the reverted feature with stay after the user changes back to human form (My AU Midoriya was born with red eyes which he covers with colored contacts and black hair but dyed it to look less like his father).

Drawbacks: If aggravated when the user activates their quirk, the user can black out and attack without warning (in other words, the user gets very violent without any control over what they're doing, a self preservation instinct)

Quirk: Telekinesis (weak)

Description: The user can affect small objects, like move or crush them without touching them. (Max size is somewhere under 1 half meter cubed)

Drawbacks: Has to be in the users line of sight, minimum size requires the ability to differentiate between specific objects, fine powders are to small, grainy sand however is possible with concentration

Side note: In midoriya's case, his inner demon quirk can strengthen his telekinesis to lift something as big as a single-story building


Okay, this is an add-on for the people who are freaking out about deku being a minor, i was going to explain this in a later chapter, but here we are.

Deku is part demon, meaning he ages slower than normal people in his case about a year and half human years is one demon year. Him being 16 in demon years means in human years he would be around 24, but since he ages by demon years, he looks young and can get by, pretending to be a human teenager.

A demon at heart; Shigaraki x Deku (Mha)Where stories live. Discover now