Chapter 1 (The beginning)

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After my fit of anger settled down, I looked at what I'd done and groaned. 'why'd I do that...' I carefully take down the remaining pieces of torn all might posters that were still hanging on the walls and threw them in the trash. Then, I started collecting the shreds from the ground. 'why does the sight of all might anger me now... hell he crushed my dreams and i reacted better' I throw the rest of the ripped-up posters in the garbage and sit on the edge of my bed with my head in my hands.

The next day at the mall

Nobody's POV:
After everyone abandoned the green haired boy to do their shopping with their friends, he starts walking alone with his head down when he heard a voice call his name. "it's midoriya right?" The man slides an arm around midoriya's shoulders and curls a hand lightly around midoriya's neck without him really noticing.

Midoriya lightly blushes in embrassment at being recognized and manages to stutters out an awkward "y-ya!". He then looks up at the man and becomes painfully aware of the finger tips pressed into the flesh of his neck "sh-shigaraki?".

Midoriya's face goes white as shigaraki speaks "yes?" his voice has a teasing tone to it.

"w-what do y-you w-want f-from me?"

"Well, it’s really simple. I just want to have a nice little friendly chat, and I wouldn't suggest running you won't like the consequences of it" the last part comes out as a sort of sneered growl.

Midoryia's POV:
I can feel his warm breath on the back on my neck as he leads me into a small cafe without saying anything. He smells faintly of whiskey. “run and I’ll find out how many people I can kill before the heroes show up" he says as he pulls his hand away from my neck. He sits down in a booth that’s tucked away in the corner of the cafe, I follow his lead, taking the seat across from him. He leans forward resting his elbows against the table as he speaks "now, you were one of the ones to run into stain, right?". I nod in response, he clearly already knows so lying would probably end badly. "Then answer me this, why do people follow him but not me? what the hell does he have that i don't?" he angrily spits out.

He was likely going to continue his speech but i was already opeing my mouth to give an answer and before I can really process what I’m saying, I tell him exactly what i think, "Stain has goals, you just want destruction."

Shigaraki's POV:
My eyes widen as he speaks, "Stain has goals, you just want destruction." 'i didn't expect such a calm answer, hell i didn't really expect any answer' I don't say anything. "Stain wants the heroes that are in it for fame and money to be purged, he has a clear goal which others are willing to follow." I kept listening to what the kid has to say, it was inciteful. "but you and the league have shown no such thing, all you have been doing is creating destruction and chaos" 'he actually has a point' i think to myself "if you want people to follow you, you need a clear goal, preferably one that people can relate to but honestly any goal could work as long as you market it right".

Midoriya's POV:
As soon as I stopped talking, I realised I shouldn't have said anything. Even if in a weird way I enjoyed explaining my thoughts to him, he was one of the few people that actually listened to what I had to say. He looks at me with critical eyes "you're all might’s little pet, aren't you?" he says.

I don't know why, but him saying that made me angry, so very angry “I am not!" I growled out while my hands curl into tight fists with white knuckles. I held back my anger enough to stop my eyes from flickering red, but my nails sharpened enough to prick small cuts into my palms just barely to small to bleed.

Nobody's POV:
Shigaraki stared at midoriya. He was surprised at how midoriya barked at him for the comment on his relationship with the #1 hero or maybe it was the venomous rage layered in his voice when he denied his relationship to the #1 hero that caught shigaraki really off guard. Then he smiled wide with a glint in his eyes and leant over the table, "You despise him just as much as I do".

Midoriya got nervous "n-no I d-don't". He doesn't, he really doesn't, even if every time he sees the mans face, he has to stop his eyes from flaming red. He just doesn't like the man that much. All might is just a bit annoying midoriya doesn't despise him or hate him, even if he is constantly tempted to rip all mights skull in two.

Shigaraki looked pleased, and his grin stretched wider as he pushed himself slightly closer to midoriya. "Join me.

A demon at heart; Shigaraki x Deku (Mha)Where stories live. Discover now