Chapter 4 (I killed her)

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Midoriya's POV

It had been a week since my first kill, I went to school so nobody would get suspicious but now it was the weekend and I had made my way back to the hideout. I went straight to my room with my head down, i was kind of ticked off kachan had gone over the line today and I almost broke. I locked my door behind me and pulled a dagger out from under my bed. I fiddled with it for a minute before pulling my sleeves up. Then I dragged the blade across my wrists a few times. I quickly cleaned my wounds and bandaged them, then I hid my dagger back under my bed.

Then somebody knocked on my door rather loudly and I groaned. I got up and opened the door, it was dabi "what do you need?" "hide me" He says as he pushes past me. "what?" "hide. me." He crawls under my bed hiding and I close my door sighing. Then there's another knock, I groan again and open the door. "have you seen dabi?" toga asks, slightly peeking into my room. "why would he be with me?" "true" she then runs off. I close my door "you owe me one" "hey kid?" he climbs out from under my bed. "hm?" "why do you have a knife under your bed?" He holds up my dagger. "cause i do" I try and hide my concern as i take the knife out of his hand. He gives me a side look before leaving.

I go over to my closet and grab some clothes. I change into tight blue jeans and baggy black shirt with a black hoodie over it. I slip on a pair of black leather gloves then I climbed out my window with my knife. My room is on the second floor so the landing wasn't perfect. I hid the knife in my sleeve and started walking with my head down. After about ten minutes somebody grabbed my shoulder. As soon as they did i spun around and slashed them in the face with my knife causing them to fall backwards "Don't. Touch. Me" I growled out.

I looked at the girl and realised she was my classmate, Uraraka. "deku what was that for?!" she questioned holding her wound. 'shit' I ran over to her to help her up "OMG I'm so sorry it's just were in a bad part of town and I-" I quickly plunged my knife into her and she yelped out in pain. Then I started to float 'fuck' She was really pissing me off I launched my knife at her and it hit her right between the eyes. Then I came falling back to the ground. "ow..."

I now had two choices one leave the knife and disappear hoping that it turns into a cold case or two take the knife, go back and have to stay on campus all the time. After a minute of contemplating I hear sirens. 'fuck' My eyes flare red as I light the body on fire and run away. I run until I can't anymore, when I stop, I realise I'm pretty close to the base. I slowly walk back to the base but realise I'm covered in uraraka's blood so I climb the side of the building and in my window. I close the window behind me and change. I change into a tight black t-shirt and black boxers. I lay down in my bed and fall asleep.

Shigaraki's POV

Kurogiri looks at me "how do you think he got those burns?" he asks. I look up from my drink "the burns were in the shape of a hand print" He nods "you saw how boss tried to throw him with the flames" I look at him and ask "what do you mean?" Kurogiri looks up from the glass he's cleaning and says "he saw the burns on the kid and tried to throw him with a fire quirk, of course it didn't work" I nod in understanding "he looked more thrown at the fact the boss challenged him"

The next morning

Midoriya's POV

I wake up and slowly make my way down stairs. Dabi sitting on the couch with toga, and shigaraki is over at the bar with kurogiri. I sigh and plop down next to toga as breaking news turn on. The news starts talking about the murder of uraraka because she was a U.A. student. Then a picture of the knife used flashed across the screen. "isn't that your knife midoriya?!" Dabi asked sounding shocked. I could hear shigaraki spit out whatever he was drinking and everybody looked at me. 'shit' I just got up and went to my room not knowing what to do. I locked the door behind me and started drawing to calm down.

Shigaraki's POV

It's been ten minutes since the news came on and I figured I should go check on the kid. I got up and went to his room. I knock lightly "ya?" He answers. "can I come in?" I can tell he hesitated before i could hear the lock on the door click "alright..." I open the door and step in closing the door behind me "you do know we're all villains here?" I ask him calmly, giving him a small smile. "ya but everybody was staring..." "I can go kick their asses for staring" I jokingly say. He gives me a small chuckle "thanks" I lightly blush and say "no problem kid"

Nobody's POV

The two boys talked for a while getting a lot closer. Usually, shigaraki would only check to see if he was alive but this time they started talking and didn't want to stop.


A demon at heart; Shigaraki x Deku (Mha)Where stories live. Discover now