Chapter One: Essays

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Sunlight seeped through the thin white curtains that covered the dingy windows. Usually, Fundy would still be in bed. Late nights were common in his life and the only way for him to function probably was to sleep in. But today was different. He rubbed his eye with one palm before opening the door to his room. The whole house seemed to be pitch back as he stumbled around, fumbling to find his way to the kitchen. Fundy finally flicked on the lights of the room. He poured himself a bowl of cereal and slowly walked back to his room. He sat down at his desk, cereal on his lap. Fundy turned on his pc, hearing the fans hum happily as the lights in the screen flickered on. He unlocked his computer and clicked onto a new word document. Fundy stretched his arms in the air, making sure to keep his cereal safe before looking at the time.


2 hours to write an essay. That should be okay? Right?

10 minutes go by and he has nothing. The word document is still blank. Fundy can't think of anything to write. Slight panic pulsed through him. How was he going to get this done? Uhhh... someone smart! Who would be up at this time to help him? 5up. 5up always woke up early. He probably finished his essay on the week it was assigned. Surely 5up would help Fundy? He reached for his phone that sat on his bedside table. Fundy turned it on and tapped 5up's number into the keypad.


The voice chirped almost immediately.


"Fundy? Is that you? Why are you up so early?"

"Can you just help me with the English essay?"

Fundy heard 5up sigh on the other end, "come on Fundy. It's due in like 2 hours."

"I know. I know."

"Have you written anything?"

Fundy glanced at the blank word document, "nope." he replied.

"Okay okay fine. It's not like i have anything better to do this morning." 5up said sarcastically.

"Thank you so much 5up!"

"Yeah yeah whatever. Now about the essay..."


Fundy dashed through the hallways, his shoes squeaking on the white tile. As he ran, Fundy glanced at the clock.


Two minutes. He had to mustered up all the speed in his body. Students that talked by their lockers, quickly stepped out of the way to let him run past.


He glanced to see the blur of his best friend 5up waiting by his locker.

Sorry 5up. No time to chat. Fundy thought as he continued to race through the school. He dashed around a corner. just one door lay between him and handing in this essay. Fundy crashed open the door and into the room. He slammed the crumbled pieces of paper on the desk in front of the room just in time. The teacher looked up him.

"Fundy? What is this?"

"My essay miss." He panted out of breath.

The teacher looked back down at the paper, "you were supposed to email it to me."

Fundy blinked at the teacher for a couple seconds.



5up held his hand over his mouth trying to stifle his laughter, "so you're telling me you handed her a paper copy?"

"Yeah well this would have never happened if you have told me to email it to her." Fundy said, folding his arms and sliding further down his chair.

5up burst out laughter, "No no no. I did tell you. You just forgot. You can't blame this one on me."

Fundy rolled his eyes, "it's fine though. She gave me until the end of the day to email it to her."

"So, you didn't have to wake up at 5am to finish it?" He brushed slight tears out of the corner of his eyes.

Fundy covered his face with his hands, "I really hate you right now."

"Sure you do." 5up winked.

Fundy uncovered his face and poked his tongue out at his friend.

5up rolled his eyes, "anyway." He said, "you'll be so glad to hear that you have another essay due soon as well."

"Hmm?" Fundy pulled himself back up straight.

"Yeah. You have a chemistry report due next Tuesday." 5up pointed to a line of text in his phone calendar.

"Ahh I forgot about that." Fundy rested his head on his head.

"And that is why I write your due dates in my calendar." 5up pointed out.

Fundy nodded slowly, "Though I am still failing chemistry."

"I could help you study after school if you want?" 5up asked, twisted his phone back to face him.

Fundy glanced up at the ceiling for a second before his eyes flicked back to 5up, "yeah okay thanks for that."

5up smiled, "meet you in the library at 3:35?"

"I'll be there." Fundy said.


"Oh, by the way, 5up?"

5up rested his fork back on the table, "yeah?"

"Why do you always help me study? The time you spend helping me could be used out finding friends that are way more enjoyable to hang out with."

5up raised an eyebrow, "well first off, I don't want you to fail. Then you'll have to redo the year while I move on and I don't want to be alone. And second off, I like hanging out with you. You're fun to be around."

Fundy stood up, "yeah right."

"No hey wait I'm serious!"

Fundy lifted up his bag, "okay okay I get it."

"Fundy no! Don't leave me. I mean it!"

Fundy pointed to the clock resting on the wall, "class starts in five minutes. We should get going."

5up sat back in his chair, "oh yeah that."

Fundy laughed, "see you in maths."

5up lifted himself up from his chair, "okay see you."

Fundy gave him one last laugh before he walked out of the cafeteria. 5up smiled at himself before hoisting his bag over his shoulder and following his friend shortly after.

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