Chapter Fourteen: Fundy essaie de parler français (and also George is there too)

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(a/n: apologise in advance for my attempt at the french language. it has been so long since i took french lol. nonetheless, enjoy! :D)

"Oui oui monsieur, c'est moi Fundy!"
5up let out a burst of laughter, "eh bien! Monsieur Fundy, je m'appelle 5up."
"Uhmm, une second..." Fundy quickly pulled out his phone and furiously typed before his eyes lit up, "enchanté de vous re- ren... rencontor?"
"Rencontrer?" 5up raised an eyebrow.
"Oui! Enchanté... de... vous renconto- recontrer 5up!"
"There you go!" 5up chuckled.
"I should've taken French in highschool instead of Spanish. It would have made this so much easier."
"We'll be fine."
Fundy sighed, "as long as I got you, I'll be happy."

"I can't believe I'm saying this but... I think we need to take a break."
"A... a break?" Dream's voice broke as he stifled back tears.
George shrugged, "a break."
"But why?"
"I need time to think okay Dream?" He snapped. "I just don't know if I still have feelings for you."
"I love you though..."
"We're still kids. I think this break will allow you to think as well. Mull over us."
"This is temporary right?"
"I don't know anymore." George smiled sadly before he turned away and left.

"Two beds?" 5up stood in front of the closed hotel door.
"Didn't want to move things to quick. I just want you to be happy." Fundy shrugged.
5up raised an eyebrow, "fair enough." He chuckled, flopping on the bed.
"Wanna watch a movie?" Fundy asked, sitting on the edge of his bed.
5up sat up, "of course!"
They both headed to the couch where Fundy plugged in his phone.
"We have a full selection. What do you fancy?"
5up titled his head, "you can pick."
"What about this one?" Fundy picked a random romance movie.
"That works." 5up smiled.

"Hey Dream! Wait up!" Dream twisted his head to face the voice, but he didn't stop walking.
"No! Please stop!" Dream sighed, stopping in the center of the hallway. He crossed his arms. "Wow. You walk quick." The person huffed.
"What do you want George?"
"I've thought about it! I now know what I-"
"George stop. You told me that it's too late. That you didn't care that I loved you. So I took some time off. I thought about it. I've moved on." Dream snapped.
"But..." "I don't care." Dream whipped around and continued walking down the hallway.
Instead of following him, George turned back. Who? Who was Dream now with? George glanced at Dream. He was now with some tall lanky boy with brown hair. Fundy... Didn't 5up like him?

Fundy turned the movie volume down when he noticed 5up's breathing to slow. He glanced at the sleeping figure. 5up was snuggled up against a pillow, his head leaning on Fundy's arm. Fundy chuckled, 5up's hair was messy and covering half of his face. It was adorable. The last thing he wanted to do was to wake up 5up so, pulled a blanket over the two and closed his eyes. It was surprisingly comfortable to be that close to 5up. 

Fundy blinked his eyes open to notice that 5up was no longer next to him. Slight panic rippled through his body before sweet sounding hums caused him to relax. Fundy yawned and picked himself up from the couch.
"Oh you're up!" Fundy was meet face to face with 5up.
Fundy nodded sheepishly.
"Here, I popped around to a bakery and got us some fresh pastries for breakfast." 5up disappeared around the corner. He reappeared carrying a tray of delicious looking foods. "Which do you prefer, a pain au chocolat or a tarte?"
"You really didn't have to do that." Fundy delicately picked a pain au chocolat off the tray.
5up smiled, "no but I wanted to."
"I don't know if it's just the Paris morning light, but you look stunning today 5up." Fundy smiled, swallowing the last of his breakfast.
5up blushed, "I-"
Fundy wrapped his arms around 5up's waist. He frowned.
"What's wrong?" 5up asked, brushing a strand of his head out of his face, worrying that it had something to do with him.
"Sorry." Fundy chuckled, "I messed up."
"What do you mean? Fundy?"
"It can't be the light. You always look this good."
5up looked away from Fundy to hide his red face.

George held his head in his hands. So 5up did like Fundy. A lot. All he had to do was make Dream break up with Fundy. Then the two would both get what they want. But how? He pulled out his phone and scrolled through the camera roll. Hundreds of photos of him and Dream. Dream had never taken any interesting in this Fundy dude. Why was he so enthralled in him now? George's eyes widened. Fundy was a rebound.

"So our first full day in France. What would you like to do?" Fundy turned to 5up.
"I really want to go to The Louvre... can we? Please?"
"And go see some boring art? Fine!" 
"Hey! It's not all boring! The Mona Lisa is there. The freaking Mona Lisa!!" 
Fundy rolled his eyes, "I bet I could paint better than that." 
5up raised an eyebrow, "really?"
"Really." Fundy crossed his arms confidently. 
"Then I guess we have a plan tomorrow! Prove Fundy that he can't paint as well as Leonardo da Vinci."

"You still love me! You haven't gotten over me!" George hissed, eyes narrowed.
"That doesn't mean you can reck a relationship." Dream spat back.
"You can just admit that you wanted to get out of it as soon as I told you that I wanted to be with you. You just didn't want to hurt Fundy's feelings."
Dream turned away, "this... this is toxic."
"Can we please try?" George clasped Dream's hands in his own. 
Dream sucked in a breath of air, "fine. We can try to make this work." 
George pulled Dream in for kiss.
"I missed you." He chuckled when he pulled away.

"Deux... tickets merci." Fundy rested his arm on the desk.
The person raised an eyebrow, "that would be 20 pounds." They said in a thick Parisian accent.
Fundy chuckled awkwardly, glancing at 5up who gave him a thumbs up. He passed the money to the person who passed back two tickets.
"Enjoy yourselfs." The person smiled, pointing towards the entrance to the museum. 

"Okay you know what, I agree. I couldn't do that." Fundy frowned as the two of them stopped below the Mona Lisa.
5up rolled his eyes, "are you sure? I was kinda looking forward to you making a fool out of yourself." 
Fundy pulled 5up in close, "y'know I could stay like this forever." He whispered.

(a/n: so that's probably it... although i hate how quickly 5up + fundy got together so i will be going back and editing those chapters so bare with me while i get that sorted lol :D)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2021 ⏰

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