Chapter Seven: Broken Promises

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5up opened the letter cautiously. His eyes flashed over the bright text as he read.

You have been invited to homecoming!

Homecoming? 5up screwed his eyes shut. Ever since the start of their friendship, 5up and Fundy had always promised each other that they would go to every dance together. As friends. Both of them never had any dates. But both of them wanted to experience the feel of the dances. It worked perfectly. But now Fundy was going to homecoming with Dream. stupid Dream. This was supposed to be a 5up Fundy thing. Not a Fundy Dream thing. They were supposed to go together. A buzz indicating a text on his phone broke 5up's chain of thought. He flicked his eyes over to his phone.


5up! you going to homecoming?

5up felt his chest tighten. He always avoided seeing Dream and Fundy together. There was no way he could sit through a whole three hours of the pair being all love-y dove-y with each other. Still, 5up opened the calendar app. He scrolled all the way to october. It was all empty. He sighed and texted back: no sorry. family stuff that weekend.

5up fell backwards on his bed, he put his hand under his head. Fundy texted back almost immediately.


aw :( that sucks

5up didn't bother replying. He chucked his phone onto the floor. 5up didn't like lying. It felt especially wrong lying to his best friend. His only friend. His friend that was now dating someone. 5up's mind wandered back to when they were 12. Fundy dated a random girl in their class. 5up didn't care then. Why does he suddenly care now? The girl kissed her ex two weeks later. Everyone knew it was going to happen. Fundy acted like he didn't even care. Why was it different? Was it because he was older? Was it because he was stressed about school? No... school didn't even matter. Why does he care so much about their relationship? 5up didn't know. He wished he knew. He wished that he could stop obsessing. He wish he could just be happy for Fundy. This was going to happen eventually. Maybe 5up was just salty that Fundy broke their promise. Any normal person should be, right? Yeah right normal. This was all Dream's fault. 5up wished Dream didn't exist. Then none of this would have happened. Fundy would still be 5up's... friend. Fundy wouldn't've ditched him. They would still go to homecoming together. In matching outfits. People would stare at them. But they wouldn't care. They had each other and that's all that mattered. Stupid stupid Dream. 5up wished that George would turn up to homecoming looking dashing and Dream would remember what he lost and go back to him. 5up wished he had the courage to tell Fundy what he thought about Fundy. But that would be rude right..? Fundy wouldn't listen anyway. No. 5up was only trying to help. All he needed was courage. 5up furred his brow. That confused him. He always thought of himself as pretty brave. He always put his hand up and volunteered. He was the type of guy you would go to to ask out your crush. Maybe it was different around Fundy? Why was he suddenly nervous around Fundy? Why did Fundy make him nervous? This was nerves right? Maybe he should ask someone? No. This was a matter that 5up had to figure out on his own. 

5up's mother poked her head around his door, "so, what was it?" She asked.

"Homecoming invitation." 5up replied.

"Are you going?"

"No thanks."

"What about the thing you and Fundy did?"

"No means no." 5up snapped, twisting his head to glare at his mother.

"Oh right. Sorry." She replied hastily before backing out of the room.

5up covered his face with his hands. Why did he say that? He didn't mean to snap at his mother. Maybe he should go apologise? Maybe later. To distract himself, 5up flicked on his phone. His only notification was a text from Fundy. 5up sighed. Again?


hi so i know u can't make it to homecoming but will you go outfit shopping with me nxt wknd?

5up bit his lip. He did feel a little bit bad for lying. 5up texted back: just us 2? no dream?


no silly. just us.

5up closed his eyes. Just Fundy and him. Laughing and joking. Without Dream. Just like normal. okay but ur picking me up. he texted.



He smiled. A part of him was looking forward to spending some well deserved quality time with his best friend. To be fair, 5up had seen barely anything of Fundy since Dream happened. Fundy now ate lunch with Dream and his sporty friends and the only class they had together was Maths. But now that he thought about it, 5up hadn't seen Fundy in his Maths class. Was Fundy ditching classes? Is Dream really such a bad influence? Or was 5up blocking Fundy out completely? Was this all 5up's fault? 5up was not looking to returning to school on Monday.

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