Chapter Nine: Lovesick Lovebug

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(shorter chapter this time but next chapter is v long :0)

5up sat crossed legged on his bed, holding his head in his hands. He was still trying to get his head around the fact that he was in love with his best friend. It made so much sense though. 5up didn't know what to do know. Maybe he should devise a plan with George. Maybe he should confess to Fundy. Or maybe he should say nothing. He should probably wait until the right time anyway. 5up closed his eyes, he breathed in deeply. Whatever. He thought. It didn't matter now. All that mattered was himself. The night was slowly setting in and the rain was calming as it pattered rhythmically on the tin roof. 5up opened his eyes and lit a candle that lay on his bedside table. He shook the match out before he sat back down on his bed. He smiled to himself, smelling the sweet smell of French Pear. This. This way nice. It helped him forget about life. And other people. 5up's peace was soon interrupted when he heard a vibration of his phone. He opened one eye and pulled out his phone. 5up didn't really know who it could be. A part of him hoped it was Fundy, but he knew better than that. He flicked on the screen.


You should probably just tell him.

5up paused. Who...?


who is this?


George. I talked to you today. You stormed out? Remember?

5up sighed in relief, he texted back a simple, how did you get my number?


Doesn't matter. Just tell Fundy what you feel. If you're waiting for the right time, you'll be waiting forever.

5up stared at the fuzzy black text on his bright screen. He bit his lip. No way. No absolute way. He couldn't ruin their friendship.


i cant. don't want to ruin our friendship


You two haven't had a normal conversation in days. You barely see each other.

George knew everything. In some ways, it was a bit stalker-ish, but it didn't seem to matter now. 5up didn't have much to lose. George was right again. Fundy and his friendship was on the point of breaking straight in half. Even if they had a fight, the longest they went without talking was three days. So many thoughts when through 5up's mind. He had never thought so quickly. His mind raced. He felt his breathing pace increase. What's the worst that could happen? Fundy would ignore him for the rest of his life? They were nearly done with school and then 5up could go his own way. And he would just make friends with George for the rest of school. George seemed like a nice guy. But then... 5up thought back to the rumours he had heard. He heard that George cheated on Dream with some random girl from another school. But then again, another rumour said that Dream cheated on George. 5up hoped that Dream wouldn't cheat on Fundy. That's would be horrible. 5up breathed out. He was thinking about them again. This had to stop. 5up flicked his phone on again. He fiddled with his thumbs for a couple minutes before he finally typed what was on his mind.


Alright. Okay. I can live with that.

5up flicked off his phone. He pulled his legs up to his chest. He checked the date on his calendar, 27th August. 5up had a month to prepare. A month to rethink everything. Nope. 5up wasn't doing that. He made a promise to George. And 5up will never break a promise.  

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