Chapter Four: Out Of My League

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"You're... you're dating Dream?" 5up blinked in surprised at Fundy.

"I know right! I asked him on a date, and he said sure!" He beamed back.

"Isn't he with George though?"

"I thought so too but Dream said they broke up."

5up knew he was no expect around school gossip. He prefered to stay out of it. But even he knew about Dream and George's relationship. The whole school knew in fact. Even the teachers. They were seen together in the hallways. They were seen sitting next to each other in class. They were seen talking and laughing at lunch. And they just broke up? And no one was talking about it? The so-called soulmates just ended it? It made no sense to 5up. But he had never felt that close to anyone before. Expect Fundy. But Fundy didn't count.

"Oh. Well, that's good I guess." 5up mumbled after a few minutes of awkward silence.

"Yeah he..."

5up bit his lip. He felt sick to his stomach. What was this feeling? He should feel happy for Fundy. He should be a good friend. No... 5up knew what it was. Dream probably still liked george. 5up was just worried for his friend. He was just scared that Dream would hurt Fundy. Would break his heart. 5up couldn't imagine a heart broken Fundy. It would hurt him. Fundy was always so happy and carefree. 5up had to talk to him about this. Ask him if this was the right choice. 5up glanced at his friend. He looked so happy. He was glowing. It was the library all over again. 5up couldn't bring himself to do that to him. Plus, it wasn't any of his business. 5up knew barely anything about love. He had never had a relationship. But he wanted one. Badly. He wanted to be wanted. He didn't want to be alone. 5up curled his hand around his books. Fundy would spend all his time with dream. He would forget about him. Discard him like trash. Throw him out. Like their years of friendship meant nothing.

"So, we're watching Treasure Planet this weekend and..." Fundy stopped himself.

5up glanced up.

"Oh, sorry 5up, gotta go. Dream said he wants to talk to me by his locker now. See you later."

And with that Fundy was gone. 5up watched him leave with a blank expression on his face. He was alone again. Alone like when he first moved to the town. Knowing nobody. Feeling alone. Then Fundy came and they became so close. 5up leaned up against his locker. He wanted to completely vanish. To block out the feeling. He shook his head and pulled his bag over his shoulder. 5up pulled himself up out his chair and slowly began walking out of the school building. It felt so silent without Fundy. He could finally hear the chirping birds, the whistling wind and... the laughter of students as they left school for the day. The laughter that he couldn't hear as he talked with Fundy. It made him feel more alone. Sure, 5up had walked home by himself sometimes, but Fundy was always sick or on holiday. 5up always walked home with Fundy when Fundy was at school. Even if Fundy had to stay late at school for tutoring, 5up would read in the library. This new feeling was strange. It didn't sit well with 5up. He pictured what Fundy and Dream were doing right now. Driving down the highway in Dream's car, roof down. Singing their hearts out to old music. Stopping off to get ice-cream. Sharing kisses behind the abandoned church. 5up felt like he was going to throw up. He didn't want to be alone with his thoughts as he walked, so he plugged in his headphones. Blaring music filled his ears. Music that could distract him, not remind him.

More than just a dream

5up kept walking. If he didn't acknowledge it, it wouldn't remind him.

More than just a dream

He kicked a pebble away that got in his way.

Forty days and forty nights

5up pulled his drink bottle from his backpack and took a long drink, feeling the cold liquid slip down his throat.

I waited for a girl like you to come and save my life

He shoved the bottle back into his bag.

All the days I waited for you

5up crossed the road without being stopped by a car.

You know the ones who said I'd never find someone like you

He brushed his hand along the fence he was passing, enjoying the light hum it made as his fingers ran across the divots in the wood.

And you were out of my league

5up patted the head of a dog that licked his leg when it trotted by.

All the things I believed

He smiled at the owner that trailed after their dog.

You were just the right kind

5up hopped over a crack in the footpath.

Yeah, you were more than just a dream

A twig that lay on the ground sent 5up tumbling onto the concrete.

You were out of my league

5up quickly picked himself up from the floor.

Got my heartbeat racing

He dusted himself off.

If I die, don't wake me

5up kept up a quick pace despite the pain that pulsated through his legs at every step.

'Cause you are more than just a dream

He ignored the warm blood that dripped down, drenching his white socks in red.

From time to time I pinch myself

5up glanced down at the floor for a second and was taken back by the deep grazes that stained his knees and shins.

Because I think my girl mistakes me for somebody else

He shrugged his shoulder as he looked back up and continued walking.

And every time she takes my hand

5up squinted as the sunlight suddenly burst through the clouds.

All the wonders that remain

He smiled when he turned onto his house's driveway.

Become a simple fact

5up wandered up his driveway, straying to the side so he could walk on the crunchy, yellow grass.

That you were out of my league

When he reached the front door, 5up twisted the knob. It was locked. No one seemed to be home.

All the things I believed

He unlocked the door and headed straight towards his room.

You were just the right kind

5up pushed through the door into his room.

Yeah, you were more than just a dream

He paused the music and collapsed on his bed.

What the hell just happened?

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