Chapter Twelve: Burnt Sugar

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(a bit different chapter this time :0 a flashback and Dream's POV)

Fundy was probably the last person Dream would think of to date. He's not that social and seems to be permanently joined to his best friend 5up's hips so it didn't make sense how he was sitting next to Fundy, under the tree listening to him talk about history and coding while Dream gazed at him.

"Now I'm speechless over the edge, I'm just breathless
I never thought that I'd catch this lovebug again
Hopeless, head over heels in the moment
I never thought that I'd get hit by this lovebug again

I can't get your smile out of my mind
I think about your eyes all the time
You're beautiful but you don't even try
Modesty is just so hard to find"

Fundy rested his head on Dream's shoulder.
"Is that about me?" He asked.
"Yes." Dream replied, and for once, he was telling the truth.
"Awww." Fundy lifted his head from Dream.
Dream gazed over at him.
"Hi!" Fundy giggled as he locked eyes with Dream.
Fundy's kiss felt like what Dream expected - soft and light. It felt so much better than being alone. Fundy pulled away and lay back down on Dream's shoulder.
"So I have been thinking." Dream said, blinking up at the deep blue sky.
"Would you, Fundy, like to go to Homecoming with me?" Dream turned his head to face Fundy.
"What? No big gimmick?" Fundy joked.
Dream chucked, "I mean you can say no and I'll go bigger next time."
"Stop being silly, Dream. Of course I'll go with you." Fundy lifted his head from Dream's shoulder.
A smile plastered across Dream. This is nice. He thought. The two boys sat in peaceful silence, just enjoying each other's company.

He walked slowly through the hallway, head up. He didn't flinch or pause as he walked past people standing in groups that giggled and talked about him in hushed voices. His name was always on their tongues. It was never for the better though. Sometimes he wishes he weren't popular. He wished he could blend into the crowd. He wished nobody knew about him. He wished to be a shadow. It was a curse, popularity was. It followed him everywhere. Even out of school.
"Always the lover. Never the loved." He heard someone say.
It took so much effort not for him to whip his head around and punch the person. Instead, he sighed deeply and kept walking. They weren't wrong though. He had given up so much just to be pushed down in the dirt. He looked behind him, the hallway was still crowded with students. He felt they were all looking at him. Judging his hoodie. Laughing about the way he walked. Conspiring about his weekend. Digging their noses into his business. He turned around and started walking back to the door. He couldn't take it anymore. He pushed the double doors open and stumbled outside.
"Um hey. It's been a while." He looked up.
"Hi." It was all because of him.
All his fault.
"How have you been?" Rage bubbled up inside him. He wanted to stay calm, keep his demeanour, but he couldn't.
"I burnt my sugar this morning." He blurted out.
"Oh... I'm sorry."
"You should be."
"Why are you acting like this?"
"Like what?"
"You should be. Like that? You never were like that."
"Always the lover. Never the loved."
"That's what they said. I just wanted to get to class early and I get berated with that."
"You're acting weirdly because of gossip?"
"I..." He dropped his head to stare at his shoes, he couldn't think of what to say.
"Grow up Dream."
"They're right though. Aren't they? You can't deny it." He looked back up, staring at him.
"No... they..."
"Stop lying. It's true."
"I loved you."
"I told you to stop lying."
"I'm not."
"It's too late now." He hissed, twisting away from George.
Dream pushed back open the doors and walked back along the hallway. Everyone was gone now. The only sound was his black leather shoes on the squeaky-clean white tiles.

Dream leaned up against the wall. He titled his head slightly.
"So I know you don't like matching outfits..."
"Too corny." Dream rolled his eyes.
"But there has to be something that tells everyone that we're at homecoming together."
Dream furred his brow, "okay... do you have any ideas?"
Fundy poked his head around the dressing room curtain, "well I was thinking of piercing my ears..."
Dream straighten himself out, suddenly interested in the conversation.
"And maybeee we could match?"
"With what?" Dream asked.
Fundy stayed silent for a couple of minutes before he stepped out of the dressing room, wearing everyday clothes which slightly disappointed Dream who couldn't wait to see Fundy in his suit. Fundy pulled something small out his pocket. Dream leaned in to take a better look, his eyes lit up when he locked sight with the object. It was a shiny, gleaming, bright blue diamond. It was the same diamond that Fundy got for them both when he asked Dream out for the first time. Dream pulled Fundy in for a kiss. When Dream pulled away, he chuckled.
"It's perfect." He whispered.

Dream didn't know why he couldn't forget about George. It was like the brunette was always in the back of his brain. He couldn't stop thinking about him. They were over. It was done.
"But... I love him." Dream looked up at the sky.

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