Chapter Three: I Wish Everything Were Normal Again

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5up lay back on his bed. He covered his face with his hands.


5up twisted his body around to face the voice, "oh hi."

5up's mother sighed, "you really should be asleep. Lying on your bed awake won't help you recover from whatever virus you have."

5up rolled his eyes, "I know. But... whatever."

He climbed into his bed and pulled the covers up to his face after his mum left. 5up hadn't seen Fundy in two weeks. He hadn't even talked to his friend. 5up grabbed his phone that lay on his bedside table and clicked it on. He flicked through all the texts he had sent Fundy. The guy hadn't even bothered to read any of them. Let alone reply.

hey fundy! imma be out of school for a bit :(

i'm really sick and i'm not allowed to go to school

if you need help studying i'm free all the time

i miss u




i'm really bored

r u okay?

i'm worried about u

i hate being sick

i'll be at school soon

i promise

we can hang out all day when i'm allowed to



this is so boring

good morning

have fun at school

am i missing too much?

u busy?




Nothing. Was Fundy okay? Surely Fundy's parents would reach out to his if anything had happened? Maybe Fundy lost his phone. Or 5up had been replaced by Dream. The thought had crossed his mind so often over the past couple weeks. 5up was running low of things to keep his mind occupied. He had read every book in this room at least three times. All of his schoolwork was done. He even trying to pick up painting, but he gave up after one failed self-portrait. Now a canvas of his blotchy, pale face stared back at him when he slept. 5up focused on the painting with narrowed eyes. He feels his vision go blurry as he glared at all the mistakes and lines that marked the portrait. His eyelids feel heavy and with no other thoughts to think about, 5up lets the sleep engulf him.

5up blinks his eyes open to a loud noise.

"Oh, 5up you're awake finally!"

5up yawns. It's just his mother. He doesn't need to worry.

"What do you want?" He frowns.

"Well, your father and I have talked about it and we have decided that you can go back to school next week!"

5up tilts his head, "really? I thought I was sick?"

His mother scratched her head, "but you're better now. Your temperature is normal, and you've been feeling okay for the past couple days that I- we believe it's safe for you to return to your studies."

"Oh, wow cool thanks." 5up smiles at his mother, indicating that she can leave now.

His mother nods slowly before she turns around and walks out of the room. 5up sighs and collapses back onto his pillow. He fishes around under his pillow and reaches for his phone. The time on his phone reads 3:58am. Even on a normal night Fundy won't be awake, but it didn't hurt to try. 5up spent a couple minutes staring at all his texts to Fundy before he finally types something out.

hey guess what. i'm going back to school next week.

Within seconds the text has been read and Fundy is typing back.

thank goodness. i've got so much to tell you.

5up raised an eyebrow before he slipped his phone back under his pillow. He screwed his eyes shut. So many questions spun around his brain. Why didn't Fundy just text him? Why did Fundy never respond to him? Why was Fundy awake so early? How did Fundy hang out with while he was going on? Was the answer to all of his questions simply Dream? 5up opened his eyes. He pulled open his curtains and gazed at the night sky. The bright waxing crescent moon filled the whole room with a pale light, illuminating 5up's face. But outside, it was so dark and peaceful. 5up smiled at all the twinkling stars. The world seemed to slow down the more he gazed. No more questions danced around his brain. No thoughts clogged his mind. His head was finally empty, and he was at peace with life. The dark trees swayed slowly in the wind like they were saying "Hey 5up! Good morning! You should look at us more often!"

"Hey trees." 5up muttered to himself.

The early morning outside made him feel less alone. Like there was someone out there who would never leave his side. 5up wished he could find that person soon. Fundy probably ditched him. He only drew his gaze back to his room when he heard his phone buzz. Another text from Fundy.

heyyyy 5up? can u meet me by ur locker like 30mins before school on monday?

uh sure yeah why?

you'll see

Strange. 5up shrugged and turned back to the window. Just then, he spotted a shooting star peeking behind the trees.

"Make a wish 5up." He muttered to himself.

5up closed his eyes.

I wish everything were normal again

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