Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I can't sleep. I don't know if it's because tomorrow's the Quarter Quell, or because Finnick just went from making me very confused to making me very angry in a matter of minutes. I also don't know what to expect tomorrow. Will he talk to me or will he ignore me? Do I want him to talk to me or to ignore me?  Saying Peeta was dead weight was out of line but, I wish I could have someone to watch my back while I watch Peeta's.

I keep staring at the ceiling not really wanting to fall asleep either because I know I will have nightmares, and Peeta isn't here to keep them away. But eventually I do.

I'm in the forest, feeling the breeze and smelling the pines. I hear a branch crack behind me and instantly think that it's probably Gale… but it's not. I turn around and see the massive body that is Brutus holding a spear and realize that this isn't the forest outside District 12. I'm in the Games.

I try to move but someone holds me. Enobaria and Cashmere have joined Brutus and Gloss is holding me without effort. I blink and I see something piercing my body but I don't feel pain. I look down and I see the weapon that will probably cause my death: a trident. I look back up and see the ocean... no, it's not the ocean. They're eyes the color of the ocean.

I wake up sweating and breathing rapidly. My room is not dark anymore, the light of dawn creeps through my window and I remember what made me this startled.

Could that happen? Would Finnick be capable of joining the Careers? And consequently, of killing me? I don't really know him, or his real intentions. Maybe he is capable of doing all those things, maybe all that has happened in these last few days has been a lie, to make me think I could trust him.

I shake my head and try not to think of it. I have only one mission: to keep Peeta alive. If I have to do it by myself then that's how it has to be. I can't risk having allies that can't be trusted.

The few hours that I have to get ready go by very quickly. Before I realize it I'm in a hovercraft watching a woman pierce my arm with a needle that contains my tracker.

When I arrive with Cinna he puts my suit on me and tells me that, given the material, the arena will probably be a desert or jungle. He gives me my mockingjay pin and I hug him tightly, mostly because I'm sure I won't make it out alive but also because of the dress from last night.

"That dress was beautiful." I tell him, my voice cracking.

"I knew you'd like it." He says with a gentle smile.

I don't know what that dress meant to everyone else but to me, it meant hope. Hope for the districts. And I'm afraid that maybe, I'm not the only one who interpreted it like that.

"I'd still bet on you, girl on fire." He says and I get inside the tube.

It usually takes a couple of seconds to lift but this time is taking longer. I stare at Cinna and he shrugs. Just then I see a couple of peacekeepers entering the room and start beating Cinna up. I can't believe the scene before my eyes and I start hitting the tube and screaming. Cinna's bloody face looks unconscious now and tears are falling like crazy from my face. The peacekeepers drag Cinna's limp body out of the room and I feel the floor of the tube finally lifting.

I know this is because of the dress. I know Snow saw the same thing I saw in it. And Cinna has paid the price, but so have I. He made sure I saw it happen, to confuse me and to make me unstable right before the games. For what I know, Cinna could be dead by now, and I would be soon too.

A white light blinds me before I get used to it. I'm standing on a pedestal in the middle of water. Next to me, a few yards away is another tribute, and on my other side, is a path of sand. I look around and see that this repeats itself all around the Cornucopia: two tributes, path of sand, two tributes and so on. Surrounding the water and the beach is a jungle. I get very quickly what must be done: I have to swim towards the path of sand and then run towards the Cornucopia. This time, I'm getting weapons.

The countdown begins and I position myself to jump into the water. I hear the cannon and throw myself to the right towards the path. I swim as fast as I can, although I'm not the best swimmer. No one is, really, except for District 4 tributes, but my dad taught me in a lake in the forest outside District 12.

When I reach the Cornucopia I realize that more than half of the tributes are still on their pedestals, clearly trying to figure out how not to drown.

I pick up a bow and two sets of arrows, along with a knife and a sword for Peeta. I feel a swift movement in the sand behind me and in a second I have an arrow pointing right at Finnick's face. He's smiling and he has a trident in his hand, but his not pointing it at me. Instead, he shows me his free hand and says: "Good thing we're allies, right?"

I frown and realize that he's wearing Haymitch's golden bracelet, the one Effie gave him last night. "Where did you get that?" I demand.

"Where do you think?" he says. And I know by that he means Haymitch gave it to him to show us that we should ally with him.

 "Fine." I say through gritted teeth.



Anyone here good at making trailers for fanfics? I kinda wanna do one for "Allies" but I don't really have the skills to do so hehe so please let me know if you do and if you would like to ;)

Anyway, thanks for reading and make sure to vote, share and/or comment!!

Ally xx

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