Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

"I'll go get Peeta, you hold them off." Finnick says before disappearing behind the Cornucopia.

Peeta, like many of the other tributes, can't swim so he's still on his pedestal. I see Finnick again now swimming towards Peeta and I see Peeta trying to get away from him. They struggle for a little bit before Peeta finally lets Finnick drag him towards land, I'm guessing he showed him the bracelet.

Peeta gets to the entrance of the Cornucopia and Finnick goes back to the water to get Mags who is just floating around, then she mumbles something and hits the belt on the suit and I realize that it is some sort of floating device.

Some of the other tributes have noticed it too and are very close to the Cornucopia so Finnick, Mags, Peeta and I run towards the jungle that surrounds the beach. Finnick is carrying Mags on his back, but even then, he runs faster than Peeta and I.

Peeta goes to the front of the group with the sword to cut through all the plants that get in our way. Finnick has his trident in his hand and I'm behind him with an arrow ready. After a while I start looking around the jungle, trying to pick up details when I notice a glassy effect  behind some plant and I hear Beetee's voice in my head. Peeta is heading towards that area with his sword and I begin to shout a warning when he hits the force field.

His body is shot back and collapses against Finnick and Mags. I run towards him and put my head against his chest. Silent.

I feel like I can't breathe, tears are falling from my face, my body starts shaking and Finnick puts his hands on my shoulders. But he's not just standing there, he's moving me to the side, gently. He bends down over Peeta and starts pumping his chest, and then he's giving him mouth to mouth resuscitation.

"Come on, Peeta." He says trough gritted.

I begin to think that Peeta is actually dead when he suddenly sucks in breath. I feel my body relax and run towards him. I know he's weak but I can't help but hug him and kiss him. He stands up but I don't release him.

"It's okay. I'm okay." Peeta says.

"You were dead. Your heart stopped." I say, my words muffled by his shoulder.

"But I'm not dead. I'm okay." He says again.

For some reason I can't stop crying. I really don't know what I would do if Peeta died, but I try my best to recover.

"You're hormonal because of the pregnancy." Finnick says. He looks kind of mad and anxious to keep going, so we do, although this time we have to be slower because of what just happened to Peeta.

After what feels like hours of walking we sit down to rest. The heat of the environment has dehydrated our bodies more that they usually would. I climb a tree to try to look for a lake or any kind of source of water but I see nothing. All I see is that the arena is a perfect circle and looks like we are trapped under a dome. But it's not a dome, it's the force field. I shoot an arrow at one of the glassy flickering parts and the arrow disappears beyond it.

I climb back down and everyone is breathing heavily. Just then we hear the cannon that lets us know when a tribute is dead. We hear it eight times. Eight tributes dead. When we don't hear anything else, Finnick laughs.

"You think that's funny?" I ask, agressively.

"Every time that cannon goes off, it's music to my ears." He says with a mocking smile.

"Good to know." I say, and his smile disappears.

"We need to rest." Says Peeta.

"Yeah, go ahead." Finnick says. "You guys sleep, I'll take the first watch."

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